Spring native - 运行本机图像时具有多对多关系的查询不显示数据


我在 webflux 服务中工作,该服务从 postgresql 数据库获取信息。当我从 Intellij Idea 运行它时,该服务运行良好。但是,当我生成本机图像时,一些响应数据是空的(我认为这是由于 jackson 中的一些配置错误,但我无法修复它)。有人可以帮忙吗?


public interface BookAuthorsRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<BookAuthors,Long> {

    @Query("SELECT b.id,b.title,b.description," +
            "( SELECT json_agg(json_build_object('authorId',a.id,'fullName',concat_ws(' ',a.name,a.surname))) " +
            "  FROM authors a JOIN books_authors ba ON a.id=ba.author_id " +
            "  WHERE b.id=ba.book_id ) as authors" +
            "  FROM books b")
    Flux<BookAuthors> findAll();

    @Query("SELECT b.id,a.surname))) " +
            "  FROM authors a JOIN books_authors ba ON a.id=ba.author_id " +
            "  WHERE b.id=ba.book_id ) as authors" +
            "  FROM books b " +
            "  WHERE b.id=:bookId" )
    Mono<BookAuthors> findByBookId(final Long bookId);

我还有一个转换器,它基本上返回 BookAuthors 对象:

public class BookAuthorsReadConverter implements Converter<Row,BookAuthors> {
    private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BookAuthorsReadConverter.class);

    public BookAuthors convert(Row row) {
        final Long id = row.get("id",Long.class);
        final String bookTitle = row.get("title",String.class);
        final String bookDescription = row.get("description",String.class);

        final List<AuthorRef> authors = new java.util.ArrayList<>();

        final JSONArray array = new JSONArray(row.get("authors",String.class));
        array.forEach(item -> {
                    final JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) item;
                    final AuthorRef authorRef = new AuthorRef(Long.parseLong(jsonObject.get("authorId").toString()),jsonObject.get("fullName").toString());

        LOG.info("Book with authors: {}",new BookAuthors(id,bookTitle,bookDescription,authors));
        return new BookAuthors(id,authors);


    "id": 2,"title": "Hands-On Spring Security 5 for Reactive Applications","description": "Learn effective ways to secure your applications with Spring and Spring WebFlux (English Edition)","authors": [


    "id": 2,"authors": [
            "authorId": 2,"fullName": "Tomcy John"

Do anyone kNow what's going on in the native image? What am I missing? Please help.

Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards.




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