







class Employee:
    def __init__(self,name,salary,lang,post):
        self.name = str(name)
        self.salary = int(salary)
        self.lang = str(lang)
        self.post = str(post)
    def print_info(self):  # Not named get; get implies you *return* the info; use snake_case over camelCase per Python's PEP8 style guide
        print(f"Name of the person is {self.name}")
        print(f"Language of the person is {self.lang}")
        print(f"Post of the person is {self.post}")
    def print_salary(self): # See above for name change reason
        print(f"The salary for {self.name} is {self.salary}")
    def give_raise(self,amount_raised):  # Much more explanatory name than "inc"
        self.salary += int(amount_raised)  # Avoid repeating self.salary using +=
        print(f"Incremented salary is {self.salary}")  # disagree with printing when this happens,but you do you I guess
    def cut_pay(self,amount_lost):  # Again,explanatory names are good (makes it clear value expected to be positive
        self.salary -= int(dec)   # Avoid repeating self.salary using -=
        print(f"Decremented salary is {self.salary}")
        # If not for the prints in each,I'd just implement this as:
        return self.give_raise(-amount_lost)
        # to reduce code duplication,or replace both functions with a single 
        # function,"adjust_salary" that takes a positive value for raises,# negative for cuts,but leaving it separate due to prints conTradicting

如何使 s[0] 和 s[1] 成为一个字符而不是原始字符串中的两个字符?

任何想法如何在 python 中完成这项工作?


如果您想从列表字符创建字符串,只需使用 join 方法

x = ['ọ́','ọ̀','ẹ̀','ẹ́']