为什么 AWS ElasticSeacrh Kibana 上缺少状态管理


我已经在本地部署了弹性搜索和 Kibana,我能够在本地集群上执行堆栈管理操作。

弹性搜索:elasticsearch-7.11.1-windows-x86_64 Kibana:kibana-7.11.1-windows-x86_64


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现在我想在我的 AWS Managed ElastciSearch 服务上设置索引汇总作业,但在 Kibana 上的 AWS 部署程序服务上,这些选项缺失。

弹性搜索:7.4 Kibana:Kibana 7.4.2

注意:ILM 已在 7.1.2 版中引入,因此与版本不匹配无关。请参考: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/index-lifecycle-management.html#:~:text=ILM%3A%20Manage%20the%20index%20lifecycleedit,%2C%20resiliency%2C%20and%20retention%20requirements

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根据 AWS 文档,设置索引汇总的步骤如下:


To get started,choose Index Management in Kibana. Select Rollup Jobs and choose to Create a rollup job.

Step 1: Set up indices
Set up the source and target indices. The source index is the one that you want to roll up. The target index is where the index rollup results are saved.

After you create an index rollup job,you can’t change your index selections.

Step 2: Define aggregations and metrics
Select the attributes with the aggregations (terms and histograms) and metrics (avg,sum,max,min,and value count) that you want to roll up. Make sure you don’t add a lot of highly granular attributes,because you won’t save much space.

Step 3: Specify schedules
Specify a schedule to roll up your indices as it’s being ingested. The index rollup job is enabled by default.

Step 4: Review and create
Review your configuration and select Create.

但是这些在我的集群上都不可用。我在这里遗漏了什么,AWS 文档不正确还是我在创建集群时做了什么可怕的事情?


注意:我已将 AWS es 域升级到最新版本:7.10。仍然缺少堆栈管理功能

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根据 aws doc,您需要 ES 7.9 或更高版本才能使用索引汇总


简而言之:您不能在 AWS Managed Elastic Search Service 上使用 ILM 功能。

索引生命周期管理 (ILM) 是一项免费功能,根据 Elastic 许可 [1] 获得许可。因此,它仅适用于 Elastic Cloud 或已从 Elastic 网站下载 Elasticsearch 并自行管理其集群的 Elasticsearch 用户。


Hey richbolen70,Anurag here,a product manager on Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud - the only service from the creators of Elasticsearch and Kibana.

Index Lifecycle Management (ILM) is a free feature which is licensed under the Elastic license [1]. As such,it is only available on Elastic Cloud or to Elasticsearch users that have downloaded Elasticsearch from the Elastic website and are managing their cluster on their own.

We don't have plans to make it available on the Amazon Elasticsearch Service.

With Elastic's Elasticsearch Service we also allow you to take ILM a step further by allowing you to set node attributes when deploying Elasticsearch in a hot-warm architecture [2] (super powerful for logging and security).

If you're interested,you can give our Elasticsearch Service a try for free [3].

[1] https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/blob/master/licenses/ELASTIC-LICENSE.txt
[2] https://www.elastic.co/blog/deploying-a-hot-warm-logging-cluster-on-the-elasticsearch-service
[3] https://www.elastic.co/products/elasticsearch/service


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