如何获取 Instagram 商业帐户用户和媒体帖子 (IG Graph API) 随时间推移的参与度数据?


我想知道是否有办法为 Instagram 帖子中的 Instagram 帖子获得一个月的参与度(例如,获得从当前日期减去 30 天的总参与度) Instagram Media Insights API 或从 Instagram User Insights API 开始的一个月的总参与度。

截至目前,根据 IG Media Insights,您似乎只能获得累积参与度(请参阅以下摘自 IG Media Insights API 的片段:

  "data": [
      "name": "impressions","period": "lifetime","values": [
          "value": 264
      ],"title": "Impressions","description": "Total number of times the media object has been seen","id": "17855590849148465/insights/impressions/lifetime"
      "name": "reach","values": [
          "value": 103
      ],"title": "Reach","description": "Total number of unique accounts that have seen the media object","id": "17855590849148465/insights/reach/lifetime"



对于 IG Media Insights,您只能看到生命周期指标。如果您想要按月细分,则必须建立一种机制来查询每个月的生命周期并计算增量以跟踪每月的变化。

对于 IG Account Insights,您可以使用提供 days_28 期间的指标或使用 sinceuntil 过滤。