石墨烯 + GraphQl如何修复错误:“类型为 \"*GQL\" 的预期值但得到:*."?


sqlAlchemy 中的数据模式级别,所有表都通过关系链接我有以下 GraphQL 数据架构:

class CategoryGQL(sqlAlchemyObjectType):
    class Meta:
        proxy = True
        description = "Table of category"
        model = CategoryModel
        interfaces = [relay.Node]

class DOOPGQL(sqlAlchemyObjectType):
    class Meta:
        proxy = True
        description = "Table of DOOP"
        model = DOOPModel
        interfaces = (relay.Node,)

class DirectionGQL(sqlAlchemyObjectType):
    class Meta:
        description = "Table of direction"
        model = DirectionModel
        interfaces = [relay.Node]

class Category_DOOPGQL(sqlAlchemyObjectType):
    class Meta:
        description = "Category and Doop relationship table"
        model = Category_DOOP_Model
        interfaces = (relay.Node,)

我也实现了这个解析器。我收到错误:收到不兼容的实例,如果我没有将 lambda 与第一个参数 graphene.List() 一起使用:

class AdvancedSearch(ObjectType):
    age = List(graphene.NonNull(graphene.String))  # [Array!]
    direction = List(graphene.NonNull(graphene.String))  # [Array!]
    ovz = graphene.Boolean()

    doops = graphene.List(lambda: graphene.List(DOOPGQL),ovz=ovz,age=age,direction=direction)
    def resolve_doops(self,info):
        query = db.query(DOOP,Direction,Category,Category_DOOP)
        query = query.filter_by(ovz=self.ovz)
        query = query.join(Direction,Direction.id_cluster == DOOP.id_cluster)
        query = query.filter(Direction.name.in_(self.direction))
        query = query.join(Category_DOOP,Category_DOOP.id_doop == DOOP.id)
        query = query.join(Category,Category_DOOP.id_category == Category.id)
        query = query.filter(Category.age_max.in_(self.age),Category.age_min.in_(self.age))
        query = query.all()
        return query


 "errors": [
      "message": "Expected value of type \"DOOPGQL\" but got: Direction.","locations": [
          "line": 3,"column": 5
      "message": "Expected value of type \"DOOPGQL\" but got: Category.",{
      "message": "Expected value of type \"DOOPGQL\" but got: Category_DOOP.","column": 5





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