Java 记录和字段注释


当我们在 Java 中使用类时,为每个类字段/方法添加 JavaDoc/注释非常简单:

class Product {
    //Product unique identifier
    private int id;

如果我们将这些类迁移到 Java 记录,那么在这种情况下编写注释/JavaDocs 的最佳实践是什么尚不清楚:

record Product(int id,String name,double price) {



嗯,关于文档,你有两种选择,要么使用记录级别的 Javadoc,要么使用块注释,我在下文中都使用过

 * My record example
 * @param string does stringy things
 * @param integer does integery things
public record Example(
          Does stringy things
        String string,/*
          Does integery things
        int integer

这是来自 JDK 本身的 Javadoc 示例

 * A serializable cartesian point.
 * <em>This example illustrates the documentation of a serializable record.</em>
 * @param x the x coordinate
 * @param y the y coordinate
public record SerializablePoint(int x,int y) implements Serializable { }


public record NoWarningRecord(/* no components */) {
    // No explicit constructor; use canonical one.
, 第二个代码段中的

idnameprice 不是字段,它们是记录组件。 Yasin 的回答已经提到了如何实现它,但只是为了完整起见,您可以这样做:

 * A very complex Product description.
 * @param id    Product identifier; appears in "Record Components".
 * @param name  Product name appears; in "Record Components".
 * @param price Product price; appears in "Record Components".
public record Product(int id,String name,double price){}

标准 doclet 将忽略以下内容:

public record Product(
   * This comment would be ignored.
  int id,/*
   * Ignored
  String name,// Ignored
  double price) {}

如果您有一个字段,那么您可以向其中添加 Javadoc:

public record Product(...) {
   * Max Product price,appears in "Field Summary".
   * <p>
   * Appears in "Field Details".
  public static final double MAX_PRICE = Integer.MAX_VALUE >> 2;

要将 Javadoc 添加到规范构造函数中,您可以使用紧凑样式:

public record Product(...) {

   * Product's compact canonical constructor,appears in "Constructor Summary".
   * <p>
   * In "Constructor Details".
   * @param id    Product identifier,appears in "Constructor Details"
   *              not in "Record Components".
   * @param name  Product name,appears in "Constructor Details"
   *              not in "Record Components".
   * @param price Product price,appears in "Constructor Details"
   *              not in "Record Components".
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException Allowed price range
   *                                  ({@code 0.0D},{@link Product#MAX_PRICE}]
  public Product {
    if (price <= 0 || price > MAX_PRICE) throw new IllegalArgumentException();


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