为什么我收到的所有 snmp 陷阱都作为未知陷阱接收


我已经配置了一台 centos 机器(7.5)来接收来自 BIG-IP F5 机器的 snmptrap,但是我收到的所有 snmptrap 都是未知的。
我的 /etc/snmp/snmtrapd.conf :

# Example configuration file for snmptrapd
# No traps are handled by default,you must edit this file!
authCommunity   log,execute cacti2021
#traphandle  default /usr/sbin/snmptt
#traphandle SNMPv2-MIB::coldStart    /usr/bin/bin/snmptt cold
traphandle default /usr/sbin/snmptthandler --ini=/etc/snmp/snmptt.ini
disableAuthorization yes

我下载了所有 F5 MIB 文件并将它们放在 /usr/share/snmp/mibs 中,然后我在目录 /usr/share/snmp/ 中创建了一个 snmp.conf 文件,这里是文件 snmp.conf :

# SECTION: Textual mib parsing
#   This section controls the textual mib parser.  Textual
#   mibs are parsed in order to convert OIDs,enumerated
#   lists,and ... to and from textual representations
#   and numerical representations.

# mibdirs: Specifies directories to be searched for mibs.
#   Adding a '+' sign to the front of the argument appends the new
#   directory to the list of directories already being searched.
#   arguments: [+]directory[:directory...]

mibdirs  +/usr/share/snmp/mibs
mibdirs  +/usr/share/mibs 
mibdirs  +/usr/share/mibs/other
mibdirs  +/usr/share/mibs/ietf
mibdirs  +/usr/share/mibs/dell
#mibdirs  +/usr/share/mibs/cisco
mibdirs  +/usr/share/mibs/vmware
# mibdirs  +/opt/mx/mibs
# mibdirs    +/usr/share/mibs/cisco

# mibs: Specifies a list of mibs to be searched for and loaded.
#   Adding a '+' sign to the front of the argument appends the new
#   mib name to the list of mibs already being searched for.
#   arguments: [+]mibname[:mibname...]

mibs +ALL

# showmiberrors: Should errors in mibs be displayed when the mibs are loaded
#   arguments: (1|yes|true|0|no|false)

showmiberrors  yes 

# mibwarninglevel: Should warnings about mibs be displayed when the mibs are loaded
#   arguments: 1|2

mibwarninglevel  0

# miballowunderline: Should underlines be allowed in mib symbols (illegal)
#   arguments: (1|yes|true|0|no|false)

miballowunderline  yes

# mibreplacewithlatest: Force replacement of older mibs with kNown updated ones
#   arguments: (1|yes|true|0|no|false)

mibreplacewithlatest  yes





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