无法创建实例变量的副本 (Python)


我在 python 中创建了一个数独类,我想解决棋盘并在原始棋盘上保留一个实例变量,但是当我使用使用递归回溯算法 solve()self.board 方法时与 self.solved_board 一起更改为什么会这样,以及如何在原始副本中保留变量?

grid = [ [3,6,5,8,4,0],[5,2,[0,7,3,1],1,[9,5],9,[1,4],0] ]

class Sudoku:
    def __init__(self,board):
        self.board = board
        self.solved_board = board[:] #<--- I used the [:] because I thought this will create a new list

def get_board(self):
    return self.board

def set_board(self,board):
    self.board = board
    self.solved_board = board

def print_original_board(self):

def print_solved_board(self):

def print(self,board):
    """Receiving a matrix and printing a board with seperation"""
    for i in range(len(board)):
        if i % 3 == 0 and i!=0:
        for j in range(len(board[i])):
            if j%3==0 and j!=0:
                print(" | ",end='')
            print(" " + str(board[i][j]) + " ",end='')

def find_empty(self,board):
    """Receiving a matrix,loops through it,and return a tuple 
    with the row and the column of the free stop in the matrix"""
    for i in range(len(board)):
        for j in range(len(board[i])):
            if board[i][j]==0:
                return (i,j)
    return None

def is_valid(self,board,num,pos):
    """Receiving matrix,a number we want to insert,and a tuple with the row and col
    and will check if the row,col,and Box are valid so we can place the number 
    in the position"""

    # Check row
    for i in range(len(board[pos[0]])):
        if pos[0] != i and board[pos[0]][i] == num:
            return False
    # Check col
    for i in range(len(board)):
        if pos[1] != i and board[i][pos[1]] == num:
            return False

    pos_row = pos[0] // 3  
    pos_col = pos[1] // 3   
    for i in range(pos_row*3,pos_row*3 + 3):
        for j in range(pos_col * 3,pos_col*3 + 3):
            if (i,j) != pos and board[i][j] == num:
                return False
    return True

def solve(self):
    """Using backtracking algorithm to solve the solved_board variable"""
    find = self.find_empty(self.solved_board)

    if not find:
        return True
        row,col = find 
    for i in range(1,10):
            self.solved_board[row][col] = i

            if self.solve():
                return self.solved_board
        self.solved_board[row][col] = 0
    return False

sudoku = Sudoku(grid)
print(" ")
sudoku.print_original_board() # <---- This prints the solved board


是的,board[:] 确实创建了一个新列表——包含所有旧的内部列表:

In [23]: board = [[1],[2]]

In [24]: board2 = board[:]

In [25]: board2[0] is board[0]
Out[25]: True

In [26]: board2[0][0] += 10

In [28]: board
Out[28]: [[11],[2]]


solved_board = [row[:] for row in board]

self.solved_board = board[:] 确实创建了一个新列表,但它引用了与 board 相同的内部列表。你需要更深一层:

self.solved_board = [row[:] for row in board]


 from copy import deepcopy
    def __init__(self,board):
       self.board = board
       self.solved_board = deepcopy(board)