

我正在尝试使用 Jackson 将对象序列化和反序列化为 XML,但是我在这样做时遇到了麻烦......


  • 一个只有 getter 和构造函数的不可变类
  • 它包含子对象消息列表
  • 我想将这个包含在元素 <messages> 中的列表和每条消息序列化为一个 <message> 元素 - 据我所知,我必须在 getter 上放置 @JsonProperty("message") @JacksonXmlElementWrapper(localName = "messages") 批注,因为当我放置它时在构造函数上,它不会产生所需的输出(两者都是相同的 <message(s)>

    <response id="response-id">
            <message code="a"/>
            <message code="b"/>

  • 我需要反序列化这个结构,但是由于它是具有最终变量的不可变对象,我必须通过构造函数反序列化它。


    public class Playground {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws JsonProcessingException {
            Response response = new Response("response-id",List.of(new Message("a"),new Message("b")));
            XmlMapper xmlObjectMapper = new XmlMapper(new XmlFactory());
            final String value = xmlObjectMapper.writeValueAsstring(response);
            assert ("<response id=\"response-id\"><messages><message code=\"a\"/><message "
                + "code=\"b\"/></messages></response>")
                .equals(value) : "Desired format does not match!";
            final Response deserializedValue = xmlObjectMapper.readValue(value,Response.class);
            //final String deserialized = xmlObjectMapper.writeValueAsstring(deserializedValue);
            //assert value.equals(deserialized) : "Does not match";
    @JacksonXmlRootElement(localName = "response")
    class Response {
        private final String id;
        private final List<Message> messages;
        public Response(
            @JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "id",isAttribute = true) final String id,@JsonProperty("message") final List<Message> messages) {
            this.id = id;
            this.messages = messages;
        @JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "id",isAttribute = true)
        public String getId() {
            return id;
        @JacksonXmlElementWrapper(localName = "messages")
        public List<Message> getMessages() {
            return messages;
    @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnkNown = true)
    class Message {
        private final String code;
        public Message(@JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "code",isAttribute = true) final String code) {
            this.code = code;
        @JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "code",isAttribute = true)
        public String getCode() {
            return code;

  • 当我尝试在没有在构造函数中注释 messages 的情况下反序列化它时,我得到异常:Invalid type deFinition for type 'Response': Argument #1 of constructor [constructor for 'Response' (2 args),annotations: {interface JsonCreator=@JsonCreator(mode=DEFAULT)} has no property name (and is not Injectable): can not use as property-based Creator
  • 当我添加 @JsonProperty("message") 注释时,出现异常:Invalid deFinition for property 'messages' (of type 'Response'): Could not find creator property with name 'messages' (kNown Creator properties: [id,message])
  • 当我将其更改为 @JsonProperty("messages")(复数)时,我得到:Duplicate property 'messages' for [simple type,class Response]
  • 当我同时添加 @JsonProperty("message") @JacksonXmlElementWrapper(localName = "messages") 时,它会产生异常:Invalid deFinition for property 'messages' (of type 'Response'): Could not find creator property with name 'messages' (kNown Creator properties: [id,message])。 (这两个注释中的任何消息/消息组合都不起作用)

我做错了什么?我需要使用哪些注释来通过反序列化检索所需的 XML 输出



这似乎与 jackson-dataformat-xml 问题有关: https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-dataformat-xml/issues/187
