将 python 脚本 TBA SHA1 更改为 SHA256


我最近被聘为初级开发人员,这是我在一家使用 NetSuite 的大公司的第一份工作。一个老开发者写了一个python脚本来处理设计师制作的图片,当图片上传到特定文件夹时,它会上传到NetSuite。

由于脚本使用 SHA1,我需要将 TBA 更改为 SHA256,因为 NetSuite 不再支持 SHA1。

我很难理解旧开发人员的代码,并且找不到有关如何将 TBA 从 SHA1 更改为 SHA256 的文档..


import datetime
import requests
import os
import oauth2 as oauth
import json
import time
import base64
import sys
import hashlib
import hmac
    url = "https://xxxxx=1"
token = oauth.Token(key="xxxxxxxxxxx",secret="xxxxxxxxxx")
consumer = oauth.Consumer(key="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",secret="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1()

在这部分中,我理解他初始化了方法 oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1()

然后当我转到 oauth 文件时,我找到了这个

class SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1(SignatureMethod):
    name = 'HMAC-SHA1'

    def signing_base(self,request,consumer,token):
        if (not hasattr(request,'normalized_url') or request.normalized_url is None):
            raise ValueError("Base URL for request is not set.")

        sig = (

        key = '%s&' % escape(consumer.secret)
        if token:
            key += escape(token.secret)
        raw = '&'.join(sig)
        return key.encode('ascii'),raw.encode('ascii')

    def sign(self,token):
        """Builds the base signature string."""
        key,raw = self.signing_base(request,token)

        hashed = hmac.new(key,raw,sha1)

        # Calculate the digest base 64.
        return binascii.b2a_base64(hashed.digest())[:-1]

我查看了这个文件,它不包含任何包含 SHA256 的方法。只有 SHA1 和 PLAINTEXT。

我尝试将值更改为 SHA256,但这当然不起作用。 我试图在 oAuth2 上查找文档,但我只找到了很少的信息,而且似乎只包含 SHA1 和 PLAINTEXT..

那么如何更改脚本以使用 SHA256 而不是 SHA1 来运行?

编辑以回答评论 Hashlib 包含以下内容

    class _Hash(object):
    digest_size: int
    block_size: int

    # [Python documentation note] Changed in version 3.4: The name attribute has
    # been present in cpython since its inception,but until Python 3.4 was not
    # formally specified,so may not exist on some platforms
    name: str

    def __init__(self,data: _DataType = ...) -> None: ...

    def copy(self) -> _Hash: ...
    def digest(self) -> bytes: ...
    def hexdigest(self) -> str: ...
    def update(self,arg: _DataType) -> None: ...

def md5(arg: _DataType = ...) -> _Hash: ...
def sha1(arg: _DataType = ...) -> _Hash: ...
def sha224(arg: _DataType = ...) -> _Hash: ...
def sha256(arg: _DataType = ...) -> _Hash: ...
def sha384(arg: _DataType = ...) -> _Hash: ...
def sha512(arg: _DataType = ...) -> _Hash: ...

def new(name: str,data: _DataType = ...) -> _Hash: ...

algorithms_guaranteed: AbstractSet[str]
algorithms_available: AbstractSet[str]

def pbkdf2_hmac(hash_name: str,password: _DataType,salt: _DataType,iterations: int,dklen: Optional[int] = ...) -> bytes: ...

if sys.version_info >= (3,6):
    class _VarLenHash(object):
        digest_size: int
        block_size: int
        name: str

        def __init__(self,data: _DataType = ...) -> None: ...

        def copy(self) -> _VarLenHash: ...
        def digest(self,length: int) -> bytes: ...
        def hexdigest(self,length: int) -> str: ...
        def update(self,arg: _DataType) -> None: ...

    sha3_224 = _Hash
    sha3_256 = _Hash
    sha3_384 = _Hash
    sha3_512 = _Hash
    shake_128 = _VarLenHash
    shake_256 = _VarLenHash

    def scrypt(password: _DataType,*,n: int,r: int,p: int,maxmem: int = ...,dklen: int = ...) -> bytes: ...

    class _BlakeHash(_Hash):
        MAX_DIGEST_SIZE: int
        MAX_KEY_SIZE: int
        PERSON_SIZE: int
        SALT_SIZE: int

        def __init__(self,data: _DataType = ...,digest_size: int = ...,key: _DataType = ...,salt: _DataType = ...,person: _DataType = ...,fanout: int = ...,depth: int = ...,leaf_size: int = ...,node_offset: int = ...,node_depth: int = ...,inner_size: int = ...,last_node: bool = ...) -> None: ...

    blake2b = _BlakeHash
    blake2s = _BlakeHash


Haslib 文件中已经有 sha256() 函数, 因此您可以尝试将新类 SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA256 添加到 oauth 文件中,该类可以类似于该 SHA1。

只需像这样更改 hmac.new() 函数的参数:

hashed = hmac.new(key,raw,sha256)


class SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA256(SignatureMethod):
    name = 'HMAC-SHA256'

    def signing_base(self,request,consumer,token):
        if (not hasattr(request,'normalized_url') or request.normalized_url is None):
            raise ValueError("Base URL for request is not set.")

        sig = (

        key = '%s&' % escape(consumer.secret)
        if token:
            key += escape(token.secret)
        raw = '&'.join(sig)
        return key.encode('ascii'),raw.encode('ascii')

    def sign(self,token):
        """Builds the base signature string."""
        key,raw = self.signing_base(request,token)

        hashed = hmac.new(key,sha256)

        # Calculate the digest base 64.
        return binascii.b2a_base64(hashed.digest())[:-1]

然后您可以简单地在脚本中调用新的 SHA256 方法,而不是不推荐使用的 SHA1 方法:

signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA256()