如何清理 Open3D 中的网格?


我使用 Python 中的 Open3D 库从 3D 云点创建了表面网格。我有很多域彼此相似的情况。 在大多数情况下,open3D 在创建闭合曲面网格方面做得很好,但在少数情况下,它会从域中创建一些异常网格。 下面是来自 Open3D 的表面网格代码

import discord ----------#imports discord.py
import datetime,time ---#this is the important set for generating an uptime

from discord.ext import commands

#this is very important for creating a cog
class whateverYouNameYourCog(commands.Cog):
    def __init__(self,bot):
        self.bot = bot

    async def on_ready(self):
        print(f'{self} has been loaded') 
        global startTime --------#global variable to be used later in cog
        startTime = time.time()--# snapshot of time when listener sends on_ready

    #create a command in the cog
    async def _uptime(self,ctx):

        # what this is doing is creating a variable called 'uptime' and assigning it
        # a string value based off calling a time.time() snapshot Now,and subtracting
        # the global from earlier
        uptime = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(round(time.time()-startTime))))
        await ctx.send(uptime)

#needed or the cog won't run
def setup(bot)
    bot.add_cog(whateverYouNameYourCog(bot))    enter code here

我附上了从域中获得的异常网格的图片。如何从 Open3D 中清除这些网格?。这仅发生在少数测试用例中。我们可以很容易地在异常图像中看到网格是如何在域外的。

Complete mesh after completion

Outlier when the mesh is zoomed in


问候, Sunag R A.




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