我正在为我的黑白棋游戏研究 Minimax 算法,但不知道如何评估棋盘


我的 Minimax 算法运行良好,我什至通过记录值的层次结构来检查它。但是,当我尝试评估板时(当我最初作为函数参数提供的深度被命中时),我这样做的方式效率低下。我也试过另一种方式(我会把它放在本文下面),但这一次,它是错误的。


// Here's the board with every square evaluated
const sq_val = [

let elementVals = (AI === "black") ? 0 : 1
if (!isMaximizing) {
    elementVals = (AI === "black") ? 1 : 0
const movesAvailable = checkSquaresForSides(my_game_board)[elementVals] //All the potential moves for the current player (AI if it is the maximizing player's turn,our player if not)
let bestscore = 0 // The value that we'll return

// In this code,it checks the value of every potential move and set the value of bestscore to the highest one
for (var moveMax=0;moveMax<movesAvailable.length;moveMax++) {
    const coord = movesAvailable[moveMax].coordinates
    if (coord) {
        const value = sq_val[coord[0]][coord[1]]
        bestscore += value

// If it is the minimizing player's turn,since it's best move would be the worst case for us,get the opposite of the value
bestscore = (isMaximizing) ? bestscore : -bestscore

// Return the value
return bestscore


// declare the maximizing evaluation board
const sq_val = [
// Get all the stones on the board (black and white seperated)
const allStonesSep = []
for (var row=0;row<8;row++) {
    for (var col=0;col<8;coL++) {
        let elem = board[row][col]
        if (isMaximizing) {
            if (elem === AI) {allStonesSep.push(sq_val[row][col])}
        } else {
            if (elem !== ourPlayer) {allStonesSep.push(sq_val[row][col])}


// declare the bestscore
let bestscore = allStonesSep.reduce((a,b) => a + b,0)

if (!isMaximizing) {
    bestscore = -bestscore
// Handle the value depending on the maximizing player color and the value of maximizing
// Return the value
return bestscore





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