

我有 2 个文件用于编写 JS:学习和测试。在学习时,我正在尝试创建一个 asyc 函数,该函数将执行以下操作:

  1. doAsync’:函数:返回 setTimeout 函数,可以使用 async/await 语法
  2. exec’:使用 doAsync 函数在 11.5 秒后打印某些内容函数
  3. desc’ : string:描述 doAsync/exec() 正在做什么以及如何使用它

但我不确定我的代码是否正确,因为我的测试文件由于某种原因无法识别我的 exec。我在 learn.js 上的代码

function qAsync(){
      const doAsync = new doAsync(11500);
      this.desc= "in order to wait 11.5 sec,call qAsync which calls asyncFun"
      let exec= doAsync.exec(("hello after 11.5 sec"));
      return (exec,doAsync);
let doAsync = async function (ms) {
    return await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve,ms));

在 test.js 上:

function test4(){
    let test = qAsync();
    alert("first let us decribe the function:\n" + test.desc);
    alert("Now we will run exec.");

    test.exec(); //doesn't work and calls on built in exec and not mine

我怎样才能让我的测试工作,你认为我应该改进我的 qAsync 吗?


感谢评论回答: 学习.js:

function qAsync(){
      this.doAsync = function (ms) {
         return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve,ms));
      this.desc = "in order to wait 11.5 sec,call exec which calls doAsync,and see the print in the console"
      this.exec =  async function () {
          await this.doAsync(11500);
          console.log("did you see this after 11.5 sec?");


async function test4(){
    let test = new qAsync();
    alert("first let us describe the function:\n"+test.desc);
    alert("now we will run exec.");
    await test.exec();