CS50's AI - Minmax 算法在 Tic-Tac-Toe 中的实现 - 代码咨询


#UPDATE from 13.05.2021


我目前正在努力在 tic-tac-toe 游戏中实现 Minmax 算法(没有 Alpa-Beta 修剪)。我目前的算法效果不佳 - 选择的动作远非最佳(至少在算法的意义上)。此外,我无法解决我必须实现的所述算法的哪个元素是错误的 - 我相信逻辑问题与我使用递归有关 - 但是我没有看到逻辑漏洞。如果您能帮我突出显示我的逻辑分解的地方 - 我将非常感激。我在下面插入我的 Python 代码

X = "X"
O = "O"
EMPTY = None

# List terminal states contain all possible combination of terminal states 
that Could occur in a game
# of tic-tac-toe.  
terminal_states = [[(0,2),(1,1),(2,0)],[(0,0),2)],# victory 
               on the diagonal
               [(0,(0,[(1,1)],[(2,# horizontal victory
               [(0,2)] # vertical victory

def initial_state():
    # Returns starting state of the board.

def player(board):
    # Returns player who has the next turn on a board.

    x_amount = sum([list.count(X) for list in board])
    y_amount = sum([list.count(O) for list in board])

    if x_amount <= y_amount:
        return X
        return O

def actions(board):
# Returns set of all possible actions (i,j) available on the board.

    set_of_actions = []
    for i in range(len(board)):
        for j in range(len(board[i])):
            if board[i][j] == EMPTY:
                action = (i,j)

    return set_of_actions

def result(board,action):
    # Returns the board that results from making move (i,j) on the board.
    player_turn = player(board)
    deep_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
    row = action[0]
    column = action[1]

    if deep_board[row][column] != EMPTY:
        raise ValueError("Not a valid action!")
        deep_board[row][column] = player_turn
    return deep_board

def terminal(board):
    # Returns True if game is over,False otherwise.

    board_counter = 0
    for row in board:
        if EMPTY not in row:
            board_counter += 1
        if board_counter == 3:
            return True

    if terminal_state(board) == 1 or terminal_state(board) == 2:
        return True

    return False

def utility(board):
    # Returns 1 if X has won the game,-1 if O has won,0 otherwise.

    if terminal_state(board) == 1:
        return 1
    elif terminal_state(board) == 2:
        return -1
        return 0

def terminal_state(board):

    for possibility in terminal_states:
        termination = 0
        for state in possibility:
            if board[state[0]][state[1]] == X:
                termination += 1
                if termination == 3:
                    return 1

    for possibility in terminal_states:
        termination = 0
        for state in possibility:
            if board[state[0]][state[1]] == O:
                termination += 1
                if termination == 3:
                    return 2

    return 0

def minimax(board):

    # Returns the optimal action for the current player on the board.

    def Max_Value(board,move):
        v = -2
        if terminal(board):
            score = utility(board)
            ultimate = {move: score}
            return ultimate
            moves = {}
            for action in actions(board):
                m = Min_Value(result(board,action),action)
                for key,value in m.items():
                moves[key] = value

            for key,value in moves.items():
                if value >= v:
                    v = value
                    ultimate = {key: value}

            return ultimate

    def Min_Value(board,move):
        v = 2
        if terminal(board):
            score = utility(board)
            ultimate = {move: score}
            return ultimate
            moves = {}

            for action in actions(board):
                m = Max_Value(result(board,value in m.items():
                    moves[key] = value

            for key,value in moves.items():
                if value <= v:
                    v = value
                    ultimate = {key: value}

            return ultimate

    turn = player(board)
    move = None
    if turn == X:
        ultimate = Max_Value(board,move)
         for keys in ultimate.keys():
            return keys
        ultimate = Min_Value(board,move)
        for keys in ultimate.keys():
            return keys


    def test_minimax(self):
    board_empty = [[EMPTY,EMPTY]
    n = 1

    while terminal(board_empty) != True:
        action = minimax(board_empty)
        board_empty = result(board_empty,action)
        print("The {0} turn:".format(n))
        n += 1
    print("The terminal board is as follows: ")


Process finished with exit code 0
The 1 turn:

The 2 turn:

The 3 turn:

The 4 turn:

The 5 turn:

The 6 turn:

The 7 turn:

The terminal board is as follows: 


我会确保最大值/最小值永远不会分别为 2/-2。如果可以,请尝试改用 if value <= v: