找不到方法:netcoreapp2.2 中的 GraphQL.ExecutionOptions.set_NameConverter


我需要在 NetCoreApp 2.2 'standard declarations Dim IE As Object Dim doc As HTMLDocument Dim i As Long Dim iWin As HTMLIFrame Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.application") IE.Visible = True IE.navigate "https://leavexpert.com/" do while IE.Busy Application.Wait DateAdd("s",1,Now) Loop Set doc = IE.document 'This part puts in the login details and clicks the login button doc.getElementById("UserName").Value = "*******" doc.getElementById("Password").Value = "*******" doc.getElementsByClassName("validateAndSubmit k-button")(0).Click 'wait for the website to finish loading do while IE.Busy Application.Wait DateAdd("s",Now) Loop 'Go to the report section of the website IE.navigate "https://leavexpert.com/Reports" Set doc = IE.document 'Having the program wait while IE.busy does not seem to work,so wrapping the button click in it's own function 'and using error handling to return a 1 or 0 on success or failure is my creative work around i = 0 do while i = 0 i = OpenReport(doc) Application.Wait DateAdd("s",Now) Loop 'Not quite sure if i need to set the doc variable here or not. I read somewhere that you need to do it every time you change webpages. 'Don't kNow if opening a child window counts,but better safe than sorry. Set doc = IE.document 'Set the iWin object to the report window. Set iWin = doc.getElementsByClassName("k-content-frame")(0) 'Wait for the report to finish loading. I kNow the program is looking at the correct object,because the debug printouts match when the window 'finishes loading. do while iWin.readyState <> "complete" Application.Wait DateAdd("s",Now) Loop Application.Wait DateAdd("s",Now) 'This is the line that clicks the button!!!!! iWin.contentDocument.querySelector("a[title=Excel][onclick*=EXCELOPENXML]").Click 中集成 GraphQL(由于其他原因我无法升级到 NetCore 3)。

附注。我们在 .Net Core 3.1 中有另一个项目,我们可以使用 GraphQL.Server.Transports.AspNetCore.SystemTextJson,我们没有任何问题。在该项目中,一切都按预期进行。



如果我没有记错,我会收到此错误,因为我使用的是 Nuget 包的不同组合,而其中一个程序集缺少所需的方法

这是我当前在 csproj 中的设置,我尝试与其他版本(例如 GraphQL 4.0)交换,但我仍然无法使其工作。

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void GraphQL.Executionoptions.set_NameConverter(GraphQL.Conversion.INameConverter)'.
   at GraphQL.Server.Internal.DefaultGraphQLExecuter`1.Getoptions(String operationName,String query,Inputs variables,IDictionary`2 context,IServiceProvider requestServices,CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at GraphQL.Server.Internal.DefaultGraphQLExecuter`1.ExecuteAsync(String operationName,CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /_/src/Core/Internal/DefaultGraphQLExecuter.cs:line 45
   at GraphQL.Server.Transports.AspNetCore.GraphQLHttpMiddleware`1.InvokeAsync(HttpContext context) in /_/src/Transports.AspNetCore/GraphQLHttpMiddleware.cs:line 144
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.UsePathBaseMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.DeveloperExceptionPageMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)

我的 Startup.cs - ConfigureServices 方法

<packagereference Include="GraphQL" Version="4.2.0" />
    <packagereference Include="GraphQL.MicrosoftDI" Version="4.2.0" />
    <packagereference Include="GraphQL.Server.Transports.AspNetCore.NewtonsoftJson" Version="4.4.1" />
    <packagereference Include="GraphQL.Server.Ui.Playground" Version="4.4.1" />


services.AddSingleton<ISchema,MyDataSchema>(serviceProvider => new MyDataSchema(new SelfActivatingServiceProvider(serviceProvider)));
services.AddGraphQL(options =>
        options.EnableMetrics = true;
    .AddErrorInfoProvider(opt => opt.ExposeExceptionStackTrace = true);

能否请您建议我如何在 .Net Core 2.2 中使用 GraphQL?

如果您知道我可以参考以使其在 .Net Core 2.2 中工作的程序集/代码/文档的正确组合,请帮助我。我找不到旧文档,而且总是最新版本。




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