

我正在尝试编写一个计算字符串 hmac 的程序。我可以使用 hashlib 库,但不能使用 hmac。这是我的代码

from hashlib import sha256

def string_to_decimal(string):
    res = ''
    for char in string:
        res += hex(ord(char))[2:]
    return int(res,16)

def decimal_to_string(number):
    hex_number = hex(number)[2:]
    hex_number = hex_number[::-1]
    res = ''
    for i in range(0,len(hex_number),2):
        if i + 1 < len(hex_number):
            res += chr(int(hex_number[i + 1] + hex_number[i],16))
            res += chr(int(hex_number[i],16))

    return res[::-1]

def calculate_ipad_opad(block_size,ipad,opad):
    res_ipad = 0
    res_opad = 0
    for i in range(block_size // 8):
        res_ipad = (res_ipad * 256) + ipad
        res_opad = (res_opad * 256) + opad
    return res_ipad,res_opad

def integer_to_bytes(number):
    res = list()
    while number > 0:
        res.append(number % 256)
        number //= 256
    return bytes(res[::-1])

block_size = 512

msg = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
key = 'key'

ipad = 54
opad = 92

block_ipad,block_opad = calculate_ipad_opad(block_size,opad)

key_decimal = string_to_decimal(key)
si = key_decimal ^ block_ipad
so = key_decimal ^ block_opad

a = sha256(integer_to_bytes(so) + sha256(integer_to_bytes(si) + msg.encode()).digest())


我知道密钥长度不超过块大小。我使用 Wikipedia 编写代码。但它不能正常工作。你能帮我解决这个问题吗???

编辑: 我预计代码输出f7bc83f430538424b13298e6aa6fb143ef4d59a14946175997479dbc2d1a3cd8。但输出3d6243123b984bcc17cb96eb61c2b47d27545c3a9119b623be7932e846bf0643


密钥必须在右侧填充 0x00 值,直到摘要的块大小(如果密钥大小小于块大小,这里就是这种情况)。您可以通过例如实现这一点在 string_to_decimal() 之前添加 return

res = res.ljust(64 * 2,"0")


对于实现,最好使用更详细的算法规范,例如FIPS PUB 198-1 而不是维基百科中高度简化的描述。此外,如果应用官方 test vectors,您就安全了。


from hashlib import sha256

msg = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
key = 'key'

block_size_bytes = 64

block_opad_bytes = b'\x5c' * block_size_bytes
block_ipad_bytes = b'\x36' * block_size_bytes
key_bytes = key.encode().ljust(block_size_bytes,b'\0')

si_bytes = bytes([a ^ b for (a,b) in zip(block_ipad_bytes,key_bytes)]) 
so_bytes = bytes([a ^ b for (a,b) in zip(block_opad_bytes,key_bytes)]) 

a = sha256(so_bytes + sha256(si_bytes + msg.encode()).digest())

print(a.digest().hex()) # f7bc83f430538424b13298e6aa6fb143ef4d59a14946175997479dbc2d1a3cd8