Alteryx Gallery 到 Azure Synapse bcpsendrow_failed 和通信链接失败


我正在尝试将我公司的一些数据从本地 sql 数据库迁移到全新的 Azure Synapse Analytics DW。我使用 Alteryx 作为加载和转换数据的方法。以前,使用alteryx 我没有遇到将数据加载到内部sql DB 的任何问题。但是,对于某些表,当我尝试将它们加载到 Azure Synapse DW 时,我会遇到这些偶发错误

bcp_sendrow Failed: [Microsoft][sql Server Native Client 11.0]TCP Provider: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine. [Microsoft][sql Server Native Client 11.0]Communication link failure

Executing Postsql: "-- Run Extraction Log End exec [log].[SP_LOG_EXTRACTION_STATISTIC] @tblName = 'FT_GBC_X_GSK_SR',@RowsCount ='',@RunState..." : [Microsoft][sql Server Native Client 11.0]TCP Provider: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine. [Microsoft][sql Server Native Client 11.0]Communication link failure

Executing Postsql: "-- Run Extraction Log End exec [log].[SP_LOG_EXTRACTION_STATISTIC] @tblName = 'FT_GBC_X_GSK_SR',@RunState..." : [Microsoft][sql Server Native Client 11.0]Session Provider: Physical connection is not usable [xFFFFFFFF]. [Microsoft][sql Server Native Client 11.0]Communication link failure

我检查了我的 Postsql 查询,当我从 sql Server Management Studio 运行它们时,它们没有问题。

有谁知道为什么只有当我将表加载到 Synapse 时才会发生这些错误




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