如何解决 Randoop 中的 Invisible class 错误?


我在 Java 中有一个简单的类,包含类似这样的内容

package math;

public class Math {
    /*Expected Behavior:
          Given upperBound >= 0,the method returns
               1 + 2 + ... + upperBound                 
      But This method is buggy and works only on
      inputs with odd value,e.g. for upperBound == 4,the method returns 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 instead of
      1 + 2 + 3 + 4                                   */
    public static int sum(int upperBound) {
        int s = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i <= upperBound; i++) {
            s += i;
        if (upperBound % 2 == 0) {// <--------- BUG!
            s++;                  // <--------- BUG!
        }                         // <--------- BUG!
        return s;

为此,我正在尝试使用 randoop 生成单元测试用例,下面给出了我在这里使用的命令,我的 Math.class 文件位于 /home/niteshb/Downloads/randoop-4.2.6/Tests 中。班级

java -cp /home/niteshb/Downloads/randoop-4.2.6:/home/niteshb/Downloads/randoop-4.2.6/randoop-all-4.2.6.jar randoop.main.Main gentests --testclass=Math --literals-file=CLASSES


Cannot instantiate non-visible Math specified via --testclass or --classlist.

Will try to generate tests for 0 out of 1 classes.
You provided no methods to test,so no tests for them can be generated.

Additional diagnostis appear below.
Model with hashcode 1253946629:
  classtypes = [java.lang.Object]
  inputTypes = []
  coveredClassesGoal = []
  classLiteralMap = {}
  annotatedTestValues = []
  contracts = ContractSet[size=12]
    arity 1: [randoop.contract.EqualsReflexive@7ce6a65d,randoop.contract.EqualsToNullRetFalse@1500955a,randoop.contract.EqualsReturnsnormally@e874448,randoop.contract.ComparetoReflexive@29b5cd00,randoop.contract.SizetoArrayLength@60285225]
    arity 2: [randoop.contract.EqualsSymmetric@7113b13f,randoop.contract.EqualsHashcode@45820e51,randoop.contract.ComparetoAntiSymmetric@42d8062c,randoop.contract.ComparetoEquals@6043cd28]
    arity 3: [randoop.contract.EqualsTransitive@cb51256,randoop.contract.ComparetoSubs@59906517,randoop.contract.ComparetoTransitive@5bfbf16f]
  omitMethods = [
    ^\Qnew org.joda.time.Partial.<init>()\E$
Operations: (1)
  java.lang.Object.<init> : () -> java.lang.Object

There are no methods for randoop to test.  See diagnostics above.  Exiting.




java -classpath /home/niteshb/Downloads/randoop-4.2.6:/home/niteshb/Downloads/randoop-4.2.6/randoop-all-4.2.6.jar randoop.main.Main gentests --testclass=math.Math --output-limit=10