使用 pyppeteer 或 selenium 构建刮刀 REST API 服务器


我需要创建一个服务器,我可以通过从指定站点获取抓取的数据来向其发出 REST 请求。



我必须抓取一个内置 javascript 的网站,以识别它是由真实浏览器还是无头浏览器打开的。

唯一的选择是 selenium 或 pyppeteer一个 virtualdisplay。

我目前使用 selenium 和 FastAPI,但它不是一个有很多请求的可用解决方案。对于每个请求 chrome 打开和关闭,这会大大延迟响应并使用大量资源。

使用 pyppeteer async,您可以在同一个浏览器实例上同时打开多个选项卡,从而减少响应时间。但这可能会在多次标签后导致其他问题。

我正在考虑创建一个浏览器实例池,将各种请求划分为 puppeteer-cluster



import json
from pyppeteer import launch
from strings import keepa_storage

class browser:
    async def __aenter__(self):
        self._session = await launch(headless=False,args=['--no-sandBox',"--disable-gpu",'--lang=it','--disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled'],autoClose=False)
        return self

    async def __aexit__(self,*err):
        self._session = None

    async def fetch(self,url):
        page = await self._session.newPage()
        page_source = None
            await page.goto("https://example.com/404")

            for key in keepa_storage:
                await page.evaluate(

            await page.goto(url)
            await page.waitForSelector('#tableElement')
            page_source = await page.content()
        except TimeoutError as e:
            print(f'Timeout for: {url}')
            await page.close()
            return page_source


async with browser() as http:
    source = await asyncio.gather(



在初始化服务器时,创建一个 Manager 对象。根据实现 manager 自动生成所有需要的 Worker。在 API 实现方法中调用 manager.assign(item)。这应该得到一个空闲的工人并将项目分配给它。如果目前没有工作人员空闲,由于 Queuemanager._AVAILABLE_WORKER 性质,它应该等到工作人员可用。在不同的线程上创建一个无限循环并调用 manager.heartbeat() 以确保工作人员不会懈怠。


import Queue

class Worker:
    # class to define behavior and parameters of workers

    def __init__(self,base_url):
        # Initialises a worker
        # STEP 1. Create one worker with given inputs
        # STEP 2. Mark the worker busy
        # STEP 3. Get ready for item consumption with initialisation/login process done
        # STEP 4. Mark the worker available and active
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def process_item(self,**item):
        # Worker processes the given item and returns data to manager
        # Step 1. worker marks himself busy
        # Step 2. worker processes the item. Handle Errors here
        # Step 3. worker marks himself available
        # Step 4. Return the data scraped
        raise NotImplementedError()

class Manager:
    # class for manager who supervises all the workers and assigns work to them

    def __init__(self):
        self._WORKERS = set()  # set container to hold all the workers details
        self._AVAILABLE_WORKERS = Queue(maxsize=10)  # queue container to hold available workers
        # create all the worker we want and add them to self._WORKERS and self._AVAILABLE_WORKERS

    def assign(self,item):
        # Assigns an item to a worker to be processed and once processed returns data to the server
        # STEP 1. remove worker from available pool
        # STEP 2. assign item to worker
        # STEP 3A. if item is successfully processed,put the worker back to available pool
        # STEP 3B. if error occurred during item processing,try to reset the worker and put the worker back to
        # available pool
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def heartbeat(self):
        # process to check if all the workers are active and accounted for at particular interval.
        # if the worker is available but not in the pool add it to the pool after checking if it's not busy
        # if the worker is not active then reset the worker and add it to the pool
        raise NotImplementedError()


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