如何等待 async.parallel?


假设我在下面有这个 async.parallel 代码示例,用于并行运行异步函数并等待它们完成,然后再对结果运行代码

  one: async (callback) => {/* ... some async code */ return someResult},two: async (callback) => {/* ... some async code */ return someResult},three: async (callback) => {/* ... some async code */ return someResult},},(err,results) => {
  if (err) { /* … error handling code */ }
  /* … continued code */
  debug(results)      // prints "results" object successfully without problems

我想做的是将继续代码 (在传递给async.parallel的所有函数完成后继续/运行的代码放在{{1 }}。




const results = await async.parallel({
  one: async (callback) => {/* ... some async code */ return someResult},results) => {
  if (err) { /* … error handling code */ }
  debug("test print1: from inside async.parallel callback function");
        // called/printed after "test print2" meaning that async.parallel isn't awaited.
  return results;

/* … continued code */
debug("test print2: from outside async.parallel");
    // printed before "test print1" meaning that async.parallel isn't awaited.
debug(results)      // prints "undefined"

我的问题是,如何等待 let results_outer; await async.parallel({ one: async (callback) => {/* ... some async code */ return someResult},results) => { if (err) { /* … error handling code */ } debug("test print1: from inside async.parallel callback function"); // printed after "test print2" meaning that async.parallel isn't awaited. results_outer = results; }); /* … continued code */ debug("test print2: from outside async.parallel"); // printed before "test print1" meaning that async.parallel isn't awaited. debug(results_outer) // prints "undefined" 并成功获取结果对象?

建议的解决方案/替代方案: (非还不是我的问题的解决方案,但它们可能是有用的临时替代方案)

备选方案 1: (我不喜欢,因为它看起来比 async.parallel 更丑/麻烦)


关于备选方案 1 的说明:
为了使方案 1 更简单,我们可以创建 const results = await Promise.all([ new Promise( (resolve,reject) => {/* ... some async code */ resolve('some result 1')} ),new Promise( (resolve,reject) => {/* ... some async code */ resolve('some result 2')} ),reject) => {/* ... some async code */ resolve('some result 3')} ) ]); debug(results); // prints "results" object successfully without problems :


进一步简化备选方案 1:

const results = await Promise.all([
debug(results);      // prints "results" object successfully without problems

function promisfy(some_function) {
  const promise = new Promise( (resolve,reject) => {
    some_function_return_value = await some_function();
  } );

  return promise;

我们最终可能会构建一个异步库类似的库并重新发明轮子,特别是当我们需要 concatwaterfall功能时。


由于您的数据库的现代版本已经支持 promise,因此您不需要 async 库来执行此操作。相反,您可以这样做:

let results = await Promise.all([

当然,此代码需要位于 async 函数内,以便您可以使用 await


去掉回调函数,async.parallel 会返回一个Promise

async.parallel 返回一个 promise,如果没有传递回调。


const results = await async.parallel({
  one: async (callback) => {/* ... some async code */ return someResult},two: async (callback) => {/* ... some async code */ return someResult},three: async (callback) => {/* ... some async code */ return someResult},});
debug(results)      // prints "results" object successfully without problems

为了处理错误,将代码放在 try..catch 中:

try {
  let results = await async.parallel({
    one: async (callback) => {/* ... some async code */ return someResult},});
} catch(err) {
  /* … error handling code */