C# LINQ 查询中的多个 OR 条件


我正在尝试使用 LINQ 链接多个值或在循环中。


平台:.net 5 C# 9

用户可以搜索一个或多个值。他可以决定单个搜索词是否为 AND/OR 链接,以及某个值是否为否定。

我看到了这个条目。但由于我的值在循环中,我不能使用 ||


  • 名称中带有“A”的所有动物
    SELECT * FROM "Animal" WHERE "Name" = 'A';
  • 名称中带有“A”或“B”的所有动物
    SELECT * FROM "Animal" WHERE "Name" = 'A' OR "Name" = 'B';
  • 名称中包含“A”或“B”或不包含“C”的所有动物(这将是无意义的搜索
    SELECT * FROM "Animal" WHERE "Name" = 'A' OR "Name" = 'B' OR "Name" != 'C' ;
  • 名称中带有“A”和“B”的所有动物
    SELECT * FROM "Animal" WHERE "Name" = 'A' AND "Name" = 'B';
  • 名称中带有“A”和“B”而不是“C”的所有动物
    SELECT * FROM "Animal" WHERE "Name" = 'A' AND "Name" = 'B' AND "Name" != 'C';


与 LINQ 的 AND 链接没有问题。但是如何将这些值与 OR 联系起来?


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace SampleProject
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Or Condtion
            Condition condition = Condition.Or;

            var animalsQuery = Animals.AsQueryable();

            // Loop over all search values to extend the query
            foreach (FilterValue filterValue in FilterValues)
                switch (filterValue.LikeType)
                    case LikeType.Left: // LIKE '%value'
                        animalsQuery = filterValue.IsNegated
                            ? animalsQuery.Where(animal => !animal.Name.EndsWith(filterValue.Value))
                            : animalsQuery.Where(animal => animal.Name.EndsWith(filterValue.Value));


                    case LikeType.Right: // LIKE 'value%'
                        animalsQuery = filterValue.IsNegated
                            ? animalsQuery.Where(animal => !animal.Name.StartsWith(filterValue.Value))
                            : animalsQuery.Where(animal => animal.Name.StartsWith(filterValue.Value));


                    case LikeType.LeftAndRight: // LIKE '%value%'
                        animalsQuery = filterValue.IsNegated
                            ? animalsQuery.Where(animal => !animal.Name.Contains(filterValue.Value))
                            : animalsQuery.Where(animal => animal.Name.Contains(filterValue.Value));


                    case LikeType.Equals: // Like 'value'
                        animalsQuery = filterValue.IsNegated
                            ? animalsQuery.Where(animal => animal.Name != filterValue.Value)
                            : animalsQuery.Where(animal => animal.Name == filterValue.Value);

            var result = animalsQuery.ToList();

        /// Values to filter
        public static List<Animal> Animals = new()
            new() {Name = "Lenny"},new() {Name = "Gideon"},new() {Name = "Shania"},new() {Name = "Jada"},new() {Name = "Kamil"},new() {Name = "Fariha"},};

        /// Search Values
        public static List<FilterValue> FilterValues = new()
            new() {Value = "a",LikeType = LikeType.Left},new() {Value = "n",LikeType = LikeType.Right},new() {Value = "f",LikeType = LikeType.LeftAndRight},new() {Value = "k",LikeType = LikeType.Equals},};

    public class Animal
        public string Name { get; set; }

    public class FilterValue
        public string   Value     { get; set; }
        public bool     IsNegated { get; set; }
        public LikeType LikeType  { get; set; }

    public enum LikeType
        Left         = 1,Right        = 2,LeftAndRight = 3,Equals       = 4,}

    public enum Condition
        And = 1,Or  = 2,}



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;

namespace SampleProject
    public class Program
        static Expression<Func<T,bool>> Combine<T>(Condition condition,Expression<Func<T,bool>> left,bool>> right,bool negateRight)
            if (right is null) return left;
            if (left is null)
                return negateRight ?
                    : right;

            var leftP = left.Parameters.Single();
            var rightP = right.Parameters.Single();

            var rightBody = right.Body;
            if (!ReferenceEquals(leftP,rightP))
                // swap all uses of rightP on rightBody to leftP
                // i.e. normalize on the parameter
                rightBody = new SwapVisitor(rightP,leftP).Visit(rightBody);
            if (negateRight)
                rightBody = Expression.Not(rightBody);
            return Expression.Lambda<Func<T,bool>>(condition switch
                Condition.And => Expression.AndAlso(left.Body,rightBody),Condition.Or => Expression.OrElse(left.Body,_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(condition)),},left.Parameters);

        class SwapVisitor : ExpressionVisitor
            private readonly Expression _from,_to;
            public SwapVisitor(Expression from,Expression to)
                _from = from;
                _to = to;
            public override Expression Visit(Expression node)
                => ReferenceEquals(node,_from) ? _to : base.Visit(node);
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Or Condtion
            Condition condition = Condition.Or;

            var animalsQuery = Animals.AsQueryable();
            // Loop over all search values to extend the query
            Expression<Func<Animal,bool>> predicate = null;
            foreach (FilterValue filterValue in FilterValues)
                switch (filterValue.LikeType)
                    case LikeType.Left: // LIKE '%value'
                        predicate = Combine(condition,predicate,animal => animal.Name.EndsWith(filterValue.Value),filterValue.IsNegated);


                    case LikeType.Right: // LIKE 'value%'
                        predicate = Combine(condition,animal => animal.Name.StartsWith(filterValue.Value),filterValue.IsNegated);


                    case LikeType.LeftAndRight: // LIKE '%value%'
                        predicate = Combine(condition,animal => animal.Name.Contains(filterValue.Value),filterValue.IsNegated);


                    case LikeType.Equals: // Like 'value'
                        predicate = Combine(condition,animal => animal.Name == filterValue.Value,filterValue.IsNegated);

            if (predicate is not null)
                animalsQuery = animalsQuery.Where(predicate);
            var result = animalsQuery.ToList();

        /// Values to filter
        public static List<Animal> Animals = new()
            new() { Name = "Lenny" },new() { Name = "Gideon" },new() { Name = "Shania" },new() { Name = "Jada" },new() { Name = "Kamil" },new() { Name = "Fariha" },};

        /// Search Values
        public static List<FilterValue> FilterValues = new()
            new() { Value = "a",LikeType = LikeType.Left },new() { Value = "n",LikeType = LikeType.Right },new() { Value = "f",LikeType = LikeType.LeftAndRight },new() { Value = "k",LikeType = LikeType.Equals },};

    public class Animal
        public string Name { get; set; }

    public class FilterValue
        public string Value { get; set; }
        public bool IsNegated { get; set; }
        public LikeType LikeType { get; set; }

    public enum LikeType
        Left = 1,Right = 2,LeftAndRight = 3,Equals = 4,}

    public enum Condition
        And = 1,Or = 2,}