在 Haskell 中查找多路树玫瑰树的给定节点的邻居数


考虑玫瑰树的以下定义: 树可以包含唯一的节点。

data NTree a = Nil | Node { root :: a,subtree :: [NTree a]} deriving Show
-- or just data NTree a = Nil | Node a [NTree a]

t1 :: NTree Int
t1 = Node 1 [Node 2 [ Node 5 [Nil],Node 6 [Nil],Node 7 [Nil]],Node 3 [Node 8 [Nil],Node 9 [Nil]],Node 4 [Nil]]
t1:        1
        /  |  \
       /   |   \
     2     3     4
   / | \   | \
  5  6  7  8  9

如何找到玫瑰树给定节点的邻居数? 例如我的意思:

--Function that finds the number of the neighbours of a given node
neighboursOf :: (Eq a) => NTree a -> a -> Int
print (neighboursOf t1 3) -- -> 3 (The neighbours are 1,8 and 9)
print (neighboursOf t1 1) -- -> 3 (The neighbours are 2,3 and 4)
print (neighboursOf t1 8) -- -> 1 (The neighbour is 3)
print (neighboursOf t1 10) -- -> error "Not existing node"


neighboursOf :: (Eq a) => NTree a -> a -> Int


编辑: 我想出了这个解决方案:

data NTree a = Nil | Node {root :: a,subtree :: [NTree a] } deriving (Show,Eq)

neighborsOf :: (Eq a) => NTree a -> a -> Int
neighborsOf Nil _ = error "Empty tree"
neighborsOf tree element
    | helper tree element True == 0 = error "No such element"
    | otherwise = helper tree element True

helper ::(Eq a) => NTree a -> a -> Bool -> Int
helper Nil _ _ = 0
helper tree el isSuperior
    | root tree == el && isSuperior && subtree tree == [Nil] = 0
    | root tree == el && isSuperior = length $ subtree tree
    | root tree == el && subtree tree == [Nil] = 1
    | root tree == el = length (subtree tree) + 1
    | otherwise = helper' (subtree tree) el
            helper' :: (Eq a) => [NTree a] -> a -> Int
            helper' [] _ = 0
            helper' (tree:subtrees) el = helper tree el False  + helper' subtrees el




您可以编写两个单独的函数,一个是childrenOf :: Node -> [Node],另一个是parentOf :: Node -> [Node],然后使用这两个函数的结果,将它们组合成您需要的一个。简单的。 :)

树中的一个节点只能有一个父节点,那么为什么我指定列表 [Node] 作为 parentOf 的结果?可以总是只有一位家长吗?


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