{ abortEarly: false} 在 Joi 中不起作用在 mvc 结构中


我想在调用注册 API 时同时获取所有错误在这里,我遵循 MVC 结构,因此我必须使用验证文件在那里存储 joi 验证 我的验证文件

const Joi = require("@hapi/joi");

function registerValidate(req) {
  let schema = Joi.object({
    fname: Joi.string().required().empty().messages({
      "string.base": `first name should be a type of 'text'`,"string.empty": `first name cannot be an empty field`,"any.required": `first name is a required field`,}),lname: Joi.string().required().empty().messages({
      "string.base": `last name should be a type of 'text'`,"string.empty": `last name cannot be an empty field`,"any.required": `last name is a required field`,email: Joi.string().required().empty().email().messages({
      "string.base": `email should be a type of 'text'`,"string.empty": `email cannot be an empty field`,"string.email": `email format not valid`,"any.required": `email is a required field`,password: Joi.string().required().empty().regex(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{6,16}$/).min(6).max(16).messages({
      "string.base": `password should be a type of 'text'`,"string.empty": `password cannot be an empty field`,"string.min": "password should be of minimum 6 characters","string.max": "password should be of maximum 16 characters","string.pattern.base": "password must contains lower case,upper case and between 6 and 16 characters","any.required": `password is a required field`,confirm_password: Joi.string().required().valid(Joi.ref('password')).messages({
      "string.base": `confirm password should be a type of 'text'`,"any.only": "confirm password doesn't match password","any.required": `confirm password is a required field`,})
  const options = {
    abortEarly: false,// include all errors
  return schema.validate(req,options);

module.exports = {


const {registerValidate}=require('../validations/authValidation')

注册 API 中:

let { error } = registerValidate(req.body);




小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)