Telethon - 更改会话文件路径




在 Telethon 中可以选择这样做吗?

if not client.is_user_authorized():
    client.sign_in(phone,input('Enter the code: '))

使用 TLSharp 时,TelegramClient 构造函数获取会话文件路径作为输入..


在查看了 Telethon 源代码后,我发现了 this

    session (`str` | `telethon.sessions.abstract.Session`,`None`):
        The file name of the session file to be used if a string is
        given (it may be a full path),or the Session instance to be
        used otherwise. If it's `None`,the session will not be saved,and you should call :meth:`.log_out()` when you're done.
        Note that if you pass a string it will be a file in the current
        working directory,although you can also pass absolute paths.
        The session file contains enough information for you to login
        without re-sending the code,so if you have to enter the code
        more than once,maybe you're changing the working directory,renaming or removing the file,or using random names.

通常,在创建 TelegramClient 对象时 - 将会话文件的完整路径传递给它

client = TelegramClient('path/to/session.session',api_id,app_hash)