

我正在尝试编写一个积分器,它使用长双精度实现非常高的精度。我知道我的系统架构长期以来一直支持双重支持,但出于某种原因,我的积分器的精度最高可达 16 位有效数字。这是一些重新创建我所看到的代码。此示例的积分器改编自 this source。在这个测试用例中,我使用它来计算欧拉数(我为代码块的长度道歉,但我无法以任何其他方式重新创建行为):

// ld_int.c: a simple integrator using long doubles
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define max(x,y) ( (x) < (y) ? (y) : (x) )
#define min(x,y) ( (x) < (y) ? (x) : (y) )

#define ATTEMPTS 50

static long double Runge_Kutta(long double (*f)(long double),long double *y,long double x,long double h);

int Embedded_Verner_3_4(long double (*f)(long double),long double y[],long double h,long double xmax,long double *h_next,long double tolerance);

long double dydx(long double y);

// the only command-line argument to this is the desired precision.
// that is,if you run this with the argument -14,it will give you 
// an answer which is correct to 10^-14
int main(int argc,char *argv[]){
    long double y0[2] = {1.L,2.L};
    long double x0 = 0.L;
    long double h = 1e-4L;
    long double xmax = 1L;
    long double tol = powl(10,atoi(argv[1]));
    // compare a long-double value for E
    printf("expl(1) = %0.22LF\n",expl(1));
    // with the calculated value
    printf("eval    = %0.22LF\n",y0[1]);


// this test function just returns the input so it integrates e^x
long double dydx(long double y){

//  Arguments:                                                                //
//     double *f  Pointer to the function which returns the slope at (x,y) of //
//                integral curve of the differential equation y' = f(x,y)     //
//                which passes through the point (x0,y0) corresponding to the //
//                initial condition y(x0) = y0.                               //
//     double y[] On input y[0] is the initial value of y at x,on output     //
//                y[1] is the solution at xmax.                               //
//     double x   The initial value of x.                                     //
//     double h   Initial step size.                                          //
//     double xmax The endpoint of x.                                         //
//     double *h_next   A pointer to the estimated step size for successive   //
//                      calls to Runge_Kutta_Fehlberg.                        //
//     double tolerance The tolerance of y(xmax),i.e. a solution is sought   //
//                so that the relative error < tolerance.                     //
//                                                                            //
//  Return Values:                                                            //
//     0   The solution of y' = f(x,y) from x to xmax is stored y[1] and      //
//         h_next has the value to the next size to try.                      //
//    -1   The solution of y' = f(x,y) from x to xmax failed.                 //
//    -2   Failed because either xmax < x or the step size h <= 0.            //
int Embedded_Verner_3_4(long double (*f)(long double),long double tolerance){
   long double scale;
   long double temp_y[2];
   long double err;
   long double yy;
   int i;
   int last_interval = 0;
   long double MIN_SCALE_FACTOR = 0.125L;
   long double MAX_SCALE_FACTOR = 4.0L;

      // Verify that the step size is positive and that the upper endpoint //
      // of integration is greater than the initial enpoint.               //

   if (xmax < x || h <= 0.0) return -2;
       // If the upper endpoint of the independent variable agrees with the //
       // initial value of the independent variable.  Set the value of the  //
       // dependent variable and return success.                            //

   *h_next = h;
   y[1] = y[0];
   if (xmax == x) return 0; 
       // Insure that the step size h is not larger than the length of the //
       // integration interval.                                            //
   h = min(h,xmax - x);

        // Redefine the error tolerance to an error tolerance per unit    //
        // length of the integration interval.                            //

   tolerance /= (xmax - x);

        // Integrate the diff eq y'=f(x,y) from x=x to x=xmax trying to  //
        // maintain an error less than tolerance * (xmax-x) using an     //
        // initial step size of h and initial value: y = y[0]            //

   temp_y[0] = y[0];
   while (x < xmax){
      scale = 1.0L;
      for(i = 0; i < ATTEMPTS; i++){
         err = fabsl(Runge_Kutta(f,temp_y,x,h));
         if(err == 0.0L){
             scale = MAX_SCALE_FACTOR;
         yy = (temp_y[0] == 0.0L)?

         scale = 0.8L * powl(tolerance * yy / err,0.2L);
         scale = min(max(scale,MIN_SCALE_FACTOR),MAX_SCALE_FACTOR);    
         if(err < (tolerance * yy))
         h *= scale;
         if(x + h > xmax){
             h = xmax - x;

         else if(x + h + 0.5L * h > xmax){
             h = 0.5L * h;
      if(i >= ATTEMPTS){
          printf("\nout of attempts. stats:\nerr = %LF,h = %LF,scale = %LF,x = %LF\n\n",log10l(err),log10l(h),scale,x);
          *h_next = h * scale;
          return -1;
      temp_y[0] = temp_y[1];         
      x += h;
      h *= scale;
      *h_next = h;
      if(x + h > xmax){
          last_interval = 1;
          h = xmax - x;
      else if(x + h + 0.5 * h > xmax)
          h = 0.5 * h;
   y[1] = temp_y[1];
   return 0;

static const long double a2 = 2.0 / 7.0;
static const long double a3 = 7.0 / 15.0;
static const long double a4 = 35.0 / 38.0;

static const long double b31 = 77.0 / 900.0;
static const long double b32 = 343.0 / 900.0;
static const long double b41 = 805.0 / 1444.0;
static const long double b42 = -77175.0 / 54872.0;
static const long double b43 = 97125.0 / 54872.0;
static const long double b51 = 79.0 / 490.0;
static const long double b53 = 2175.0 / 3626.0;
static const long double b54 = 2166.0 / 9065.0;

static const long double c1 = 229.0 / 1470.0;
static const long double c3 = 1125.0 / 1813.0;
static const long double c4 = 13718.0 / 81585.0;
static const long double c5 = 1.0 / 18.0;

static const long double d1 = -888.0 / 163170.0;
static const long double d3 = 3375.0 / 163170.0;
static const long double d4 = -11552.0 / 163170.0;
static const long double d5 = 9065.0 / 163170.0;

//  Arguments:                                                                //
//     double *f  Pointer to the function which returns the slope at (y) of //
//                integral curve of the differential equation y' = f(y)     //
//                which passes through the point (x0,y[0]).                   //
//     double y[] On input y[0] is the initial value of y at x,on output     //
//                y[1] is the solution at x + h.                              //
//     double x   Initial value of x.                                         //
//     double h   Step size                                                   //
//                                                                            //
//  Return Values:                                                            //
//     This routine returns the err / h.  The solution of y(x) at x + h is    //
//     returned in y[1].  
static long double Runge_Kutta(long double (*f)(long double),long double x0,long double h){
    long double k1,k2,k3,k4,k5;
    long double h2 = a2 * h;

    k1 = (*f)(*y);
    k2 = (*f)(*y + h2 * k1);
    k3 = (*f)(*y + h * ( b31*k1 + b32*k2) );
    k4 = (*f)(*y + h * ( b41*k1 + b42*k2 + b43*k3) );
    k5 = (*f)(*y + h * ( b51*k1 + b53*k3 + b54*k4) );
    *(y+1) = *y +  h * (c1*k1 + c3*k3 + c4*k4 + c5*k5);
    return  d1*k1 + d3*k3 + d4*k4 + d5*k5;


$ gcc -c ld_int.c
$ gcc ld_int.o -lm -o ldint


$ ./ldint -16


expl(1) = 2.7182818284590452354282
eval    = 2.7182818284590453085034

其中 E 的两个值与小数点后 16 位一致。 但是,当我尝试去更高阶时,例如使用 ./ldt -17,它突然无法收敛。如果您让积分器为每一步打印错误,您会看到它徘徊在 10^-16.8 左右,但在错误低于 10^-17 之前,时间步长将变为 0。这听起来像是在双精度下仍然饱和,尽管我已尽力使代码中的所有内容都变成长双精度。

再次,我为上述块中的代码量道歉,但它确实没有重现我能弄清楚的任何其他方式。我编写了一个测试函数来通过其泰勒展开式计算 E,并且非常高兴将其计算为 19 位有效数字并带有 long doubles。我不知道集成案例有什么特别之处。


但出于某种原因,我的积分器的精度最高为 16 位有效数字。

至少,使用 long double 商而不是 long double 商的 double 初始化使用更正确的值。

// long double a2 = 2.0 / 7.0;
long double a2 = 2.0L / 7.0L;

其他 19 个初始化也是如此。


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