我如何在 Python 代码中使用 Twitter API 中的“referenced_tweets.type”响应字段来提取 Twitter 主题标签数据?


我正在使用运行良好的代码。我已经添加了从 geeks for geeks 中获取的整个代码。但我想修改它以添加referenced_tweets.type。我是 API 的新手,真的很想了解如何解决这个问题。

import pandas as pd
import tweepy

# function to display data of each tweet
def printtweetdata(n,ith_tweet):
    print(f"Tweet {n}:")
    print(f"Following Count:{ith_tweet[3]}")
    print(f"Follower Count:{ith_tweet[4]}")
    print(f"Total Tweets:{ith_tweet[5]}")
    print(f"Retweet Count:{ith_tweet[6]}")
    print(f"Tweet Text:{ith_tweet[7]}")
    print(f"Hashtags Used:{ith_tweet[8]}")

# function to perform data extraction
def scrape(words,date_since,numtweet):

    # Creating DataFrame using pandas
    db = pd.DataFrame(columns=['username','likes','location','following','followers','totaltweets','retweetcount','text','hashtags'])

    # We are using .Cursor() to search through twitter for the required tweets.
    # The number of tweets can be restricted using .items(number of tweets)
    tweets = tweepy.Cursor(api.search,q=words,lang="en",since=date_since,tweet_mode='extended').items(numtweet)

    # .Cursor() returns an iterable object. Each item in
    # the iterator has varIoUs attributes that you can access to
    # get information about each tweet
    list_tweets = [tweet for tweet in tweets]

    # Counter to maintain Tweet Count
    i = 1

    # we will iterate over each tweet in the list for extracting information about each tweet
    for tweet in list_tweets:
        username = tweet.user.screen_name
        likes = tweet.favorite_count
        location = tweet.user.location
        following = tweet.user.friends_count
        followers = tweet.user.followers_count
        totaltweets = tweet.user.statuses_count
        retweetcount = tweet.retweet_count
        hashtags = tweet.entities['hashtags']

        # Retweets can be distinguished by a retweeted_status attribute,# in case it is an invalid reference,except block will be executed
            text = tweet.retweeted_status.full_text
        except AttributeError:
            text = tweet.full_text
        hashtext = list()
        for j in range(0,len(hashtags)):

        # Here we are appending all the extracted information in the DataFrame
        ith_tweet = [username,likes,location,following,followers,totaltweets,retweetcount,text,hashtext]
        db.loc[len(db)] = ith_tweet

        # Function call to print tweet data on screen
        i = i+1
    filename = 'etihad.csv'

    # we will save our database as a CSV file.

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Enter your own credentials obtained
    # from your developer account
    consumer_key = 
    consumer_secret = 
    access_key = 
    access_secret = 
    auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key,consumer_secret)
    api = tweepy.API(auth)

    # Enter Hashtag and initial date
    print("Enter Twitter HashTag to search for")
    words = input()
    print("Enter Date since The Tweets are required in yyyy-mm--dd")
    date_since = input()

    # number of tweets you want to extract in one run
    numtweet = 100
    print('Scraping has completed!')

我现在想添加 referenced_tweets.type 以了解推文是否为转推,但我不知道该怎么做。有人可以帮忙吗?


API.search 使用 standard search API,这是 Twitter API v1.1 的一部分。
referenced_tweets 是可以为 tweet.fields(Twitter API v2 fields 参数)设置的值。

目前,如果您想通过 Tweepy 使用 Twitter API v2,则必须在主分支及其 Client 类上使用 Tweepy 的开发版本。否则,您需要等到 Tweepy v4.0 发布。

或者,如果您的唯一目标是确定 Status/Tweet object 是否为转推,您只需检查 retweeted_status 属性即可。