对于 Q >= 0 的二次函数中等式约束“A x = 0”的拉格朗日松弛






当然,我希望在线性约束 class LagrangianEqualityConstrainedQuadratic: """ Construct the lagrangian dual relaxation of an equality constrained quadratic function defined as: 1/2 x^T Q x + q^T x : A x = b = 0 """ def __init__(self,Q,q,A): self.Q = Q self.q = q self.A = A self.last_rnorm = None def _solve_sym_nonposdef(self,q): # `min ||Qx - q||` is formally equivalent to solve the linear system: # (Q^T Q) x = (Q^T q)^T x Q,q = np.inner(Q,Q),Q.T.dot(q) x = minres(Q,q)[0] self.last_rnorm = np.linalg.norm(q - Q.dot(x)) # || q - Qx || return x def function(self,lmbda): """ Compute the value of the lagrangian relaxation defined as: L(x,lambda) = 1/2 x^T Q x + q^T x - lambda^T A x L(x,lambda) = 1/2 x^T Q x + (q - lambda A)^T x where lambda is constrained to be >= 0. Taking the derivative of the Lagrangian wrt x and settings it to 0 gives: Q x + (q - lambda A) = 0 so,the optimal solution of the Lagrangian relaxation is the solution of the linear system: Q x = - (q - lambda A) :param lmbda: the dual variable wrt evaluate the function :return: the function value wrt lambda """ ql = self.q - lmbda.dot(self.A) x = self._solve_sym_nonposdef(self.Q,-ql) return 0.5 * x.dot(self.Q).dot(x) + ql.dot(x) def jacobian(self,lmbda): """ With x optimal solution of the minimization problem,the jacobian of the Lagrangian dual relaxation at lambda is: [-A x] However,we rather want to maximize the Lagrangian dual relaxation,hence we have to change the sign of gradient entries: [A x] :param lmbda: the dual variable wrt evaluate the gradient :return: the gradient wrt lambda """ ql = self.q - lmbda.dot(self.A) x = self._solve_sym_nonposdef(self.Q,-ql) return self.A * x 上找到我的约束最小值,即沿着右图中的蓝线。正是黑星所在的位置。




我认为我是否应该强加解决方Ax=0 必须与 Q 矩阵的零空间正交(?)




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