从 extraReducers 触发 redux 动作


首先,我知道(或者我想我已经读过)你永远不应该从减速器中触发动作。在我的情况下,我使用 redux-oidc 来处理针对我的应用的身份验证。用户登录后,redux-oidc 会触发 redux-oidc/USER_FOUND 操作并在 state.oidc.user 切片中设置用户的个人资料。

登录后,我需要从我的数据库中查找不在 OIDC 响应中的有关用户的其他信息。目前,我正在从 fetchUserPrefs 中触发 redux-oidc.CallbackComponent.successCallback thunk,它按预期工作。

我的问题是当用户一个活动会话并打开一个新浏览器,或者手动刷新页面并再次初始化应用程序时,回调没有被命中,因此不会发生额外的用户水合。 似乎我想要做的是添加一个 extraReducer 来监听 redux-oidc/USER_FOUND 动作并触发 thunk,但这会从减速器中触发一个动作。


import {createAsyncThunk,createSlice} from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { RootState } from '../../app/store';
import {User} from "oidc-client";

export const fetchUserPrefs = createAsyncThunk('user/fetchUserPrefs',async (user: User,thunkAPI) => {
    // the call out to grab user prefs
    // this works as expected when dispatched from the CallbackComponent.successCallback
    return user;

function hydrateUserState(state: any,action: any) {
    // set all the state values from the action.payload
    // this works as expected

export interface UserState {
    loginId: string;
    firstName: string;
    lastName: string;
    email: string;
    photoUrl: string;

const initialState: UserState = {
    loginId: '',firstName: '',lastName: '',email: '',photoUrl: '',};

export const userSlice = createSlice({
    name: 'user',initialState,reducers: {
    },extraReducers: (builder) => {
            .addCase('redux-oidc/USER_FOUND',fetchUserPrefs) // I want to do this,or something like it
            .addDefaultCase((state,action) => {})

export const selectUser = (state: RootState) => state.user;
export default userSlice.reducer;



import { USER_FOUND } from 'redux-oidc';
import { fetchUserPrefs } from "./slice";

export const oicdMiddleware = (store) => (next) => (action) => {
  // possibly dispatch an additional action
  if ( action.type === USER_FOUND ) {
  // let the next middleware dispatch the 'USER_FOUND' action
  return next(action);

您可以阅读 custom middleware 上的文档了解更多信息。