模板参数的数量错误1,应该是 2有人可以看看吗?


我正在使用 BST 作为字典类的派生类创建字典。因为我正在使用模板,所以我遇到了一个错误,我找出了原因但无法解决它。谁能弄清楚?谢谢


#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

using namespace std;

template <class K,class E> class BST;
template <class K,class E>
struct pair{K first; E second;};

template <class K,class E>
class TreeNode {
friend class BST <K,E>;

    K data;
    TreeNode<pair<K,E>> *leftChild;
    TreeNode<pair<K,E>> *rightChild;

template <class K,class E>
class Dictionary {
    virtual bool IsEmpty() const = 0;  // return true if dictionary is empty
    virtual pair<K,E>* Get(const K&) const = 0;
    // return pointer to the pair w. specified key
   virtual void Insert(const pair <K,E>& k) = 0;
   // insert the given pair; if key ia a duplicate,update associate element
   virtual void Delete(const K& k) = 0;  // delete pair w. specified key

template <class K,class E>
class BST:public Dictionary<K,E> {
    pair<K,E>* Get(const K& k)const;
    pair<K,E>* RankGet(int r);
    pair<K,E>* Get(TreeNode <pair <K,E>>* p,const K& k)const;
    bool IsEmpty() const;
    void Insert(const pair<K,E >& thePair);
    void Delete(const K& k);

    TreeNode <pair<K,E>> *root;


template<class K,class E>
BST<K,E>::BST(){root = nullptr;}
template <class K,class E>
pair<K,E>* BST<K,E> :: Get(const K& k) const
{// Driver
    return Get(root,k);

template <class K,class E>
bool BST<K,E>::IsEmpty() const
    return root==nullptr;

template <class K,E>::Get(TreeNode <pair <K,const K& k)const
{// Workhorse
   if (!p) return 0; //empty
   if (k < p->data.first) return Get(p->leftChild,k);
   if (k > p->data.first) return Get(p->rightChild,k);
   return &p->data;

template <class K,E>::RankGet(int r) //search by rank
{ //search the BST for the rth smallest pair
   TreeNode < pair<K,E>> * currentNode = root;
   while (currentNode) {
       if (r < currentNode -> leftSize)
          currentNode = currentNode -> leftChild;
       else if (r > currentNode -> leftSize)
          r -= currentNode -> leftSize;
          currentNode = currentNode -> rightChild;
       else return & currentNode -> data;
   return 0;

template <class K,class E>
void BST<K,E > :: Insert(const pair<K,E >& thePair)
{  // insert thePair into the BST
   // search for thePair.first,pp parent of p
   TreeNode < pair<K,E>> *p = root,*pp = 0;
   while (p) {
      pp = p;
      if (thePair.first < p->data.first) p = p->leftChild;
      else if(thePair.first > p->data.first)p = p->rightChild;
      else // duplicate,update associated element
          { p->data.second = thePair.second; return;}
 // perform insertion
 p = new TreeNode< pair<K,E>> (thePair);
if (root) // tree is nonempty
   if (thePair.first < pp->data.first) pp->leftChild = p;
   else pp->rightChild = p;
   else root = p;

int main()
    BST<int,char> bst;
    pair<int,char> p;

    int A[11]= {50,3,30,40,80,35,2,20,15,60,70};
    char B[11]= {'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j'};
    for(int i=0; i<11; i++)
    cout<<A[i]<<" "<<B[i]<<endl;
    return 0;

我知道 TreeNode 应该有 2 个模板参数我试图给它“K”作为 pair 旁边的第二个但它不起作用




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