在 iOS 上获取 IAP 产品的空标题和描述


在我的应用获得 App Store Connect 批准之前,一切正常。

当我的 IAP 处于“准备提交”状态时,我的产品很好。但是现在,它处于“已批准”状态,我的产品带有空标题和描述。价格和标识符没问题。

即使在使用 Magic Weather example app from RevenueCat 时我也遇到了同样的问题。


Future<void> _initPlatformState() async {
    await Purchases.setup("******************************",appUserId: null);
    Purchases.addPurchaserInfoUpdateListener((info) {
    try {
      purchaserInfo = await Purchases.getPurchaserInfo();
      print('PurchaserInfo: ' + purchaserInfo.toString());
    } on PlatformException catch (e) {
      print('PlatformException: ' + e.toString());
    print('is user vip? ' + isVIP.toString());

  void _checkIfVIP(PurchaserInfo purchaserInfo) {
    if (purchaserInfo != null && purchaserInfo.entitlements.all['vip'] != null) {
    } else {

  Offerings _offerings;

  Future<Offerings> getofferings() async {
    Offerings offerings;
    if (_offerings != null)
      offerings = _offerings;
    else {
      try {
        offerings = await Purchases.getofferings();
      } on PlatformException catch (e) {
    return offerings;

Future<void> doPurchase() async {
    try {
      if (_offerings != null) {
        PurchaserInfo purchaserInfo = await Purchases.purchasePackage(_offerings.current.monthly);
        // the native purchase window should open before going forward
        if (purchaserInfo.entitlements.all["vip"].isActive) {
          MainModel mainModel = Provider.of<MainModel>(context,listen: false);
            context: context,builder: (BuildContext context) {
              return AlertDialog(
                title: new Text(S.current.welcome_to_the_vip_group),content: new Text(
                  S.current.purchase_success,textAlign: TextAlign.center,),actions: <Widget>[
                  new TextButton(
                    child: new Text(S.current.close),onpressed: () => {popToPrevIoUsPage(context)},],);
        } else {
    } on PlatformException catch (e) {
      var errorCode = PurchasesErrorHelper.getErrorCode(e);
        context: context,builder: (BuildContext context) {
          if (errorCode == PurchasesErrorCode.purchaseCancelledError) {
            return AlertDialog(
              title: new Text(''),content: new Text(
                S.current.purchase_canceled_error,actions: <Widget>[
                new TextButton(
                  child: new Text(S.current.close),onpressed: () => Navigator.pop(context),);
          } else if (errorCode == PurchasesErrorCode.storeProblemError) {
            return AlertDialog(
              title: new Text(S.current.oops),content: new Text(S.current.purchase_store_problem_error(Platform.isAndroid ? 'Google Play' : 'App Store')),);
          } else {
            return AlertDialog(
              title: new Text(S.current.oops),content: new Text(S.current.purchase_default_error),);
      print('isLoadingSomething = ' + e.toString());

这是来自 Magic Weather 应用程序的日志:

Flutter run
Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone de **** in debug mode...
Automatically signing iOS for device deployment using specified development team in Xcode project: ********
Running Xcode build...                                                  
 └─Compiling,linking and signing...                         6,7s
Xcode build done.                                           12,1s
Installing and launching...                                        13,3s
Syncing files to device iPhone de ******...                      75ms

Flutter run key commands.
r Hot reload. ???
R Hot restart.
h List all available interactive commands.
d Detach (terminate "Flutter run" but leave application running).
c Clear the screen
q Quit (terminate the application on the device).

Running with unsound null safety
For more information see https://dart.dev/null-safety/unsound-null-safety

An Observatory debugger and profiler on iPhone de ***** is available at:
[Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Debug logging enabled
[Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ SDK Version - 3.11.1
[Purchases] - DEBUG: ? Initial App User ID - (null)
[Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Sending latest PurchaserInfo to delegate.
[Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Delegate set
[Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ There are no requests currently running,starting request GET /subscribers/$RCAnonymousID0X0P+09303b005bcc24f1a83115fa2a44c4a11
[Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ API request started: GET /v1/subscribers/$RCAnonymousID:9303b005bcc24f1a83115fa2a44c4a11
[Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ API request started: GET /v1/subscribers/$RCAnonymousID:9303b005bcc24f1a83115fa2a44c4a11/offerings
The Flutter DevTools debugger and profiler on iPhone de ****** is available at:
[connection] nw_endpoint_handler_set_adaptive_read_handler [C1.1 ready channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied),viable,interface: en0,ipv4,dns)] unregister notification for read_timeout Failed
[connection] nw_endpoint_handler_set_adaptive_write_handler [C1.1 ready channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied),dns)] unregister notification for write_timeout Failed
[Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ API request completed with status: GET /v1/subscribers/$RCAnonymousID:9303b005bcc24f1a83115fa2a44c4a11 200
[Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Serial request done: GET /subscribers/$RCAnonymousID0X0P+09303b005bcc24f1a83115fa2a44c4a11,0 requests left in the queue
[Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ API request completed with status: GET /v1/subscribers/$RCAnonymousID:9303b005bcc24f1a83115fa2a44c4a11/offerings 200
[Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Requesting products from the store with identifiers: {(
[Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Products request finished.
[Purchases] - DEBUG: ? Retrieved SKProducts: 
[Purchases] - DEBUG: ? 0001 - <SKProduct: 0x280ea0030>
[Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ 1 completion handlers waiting on products
[Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ vending PurchaserInfo from cache.
[Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ vending Offerings from cache

Android 上的一切都很好,App Store Connect 上的一切似乎都很好。

我也在他们的 github 页面herehere)上报告了这个问题,但没有任何帮助。




事实证明,flutter SDK 上的某些内容已损坏。我删除并重新下载了 Flutter SDK,它工作正常。
