

| 如何在iPhone地图应用程序中计算两个POI(兴趣点)的坐标之间的角度(以度为单位)?     


我猜想您尝试计算两个兴趣点(POI)的坐标之间的度数。 计算大圆弧:
+(float) greatCircleFrom:(CLLocation*)first 
                      to:(CLLocation*)second {

    int radius = 6371; // 6371km is the radius of the earth
    float dLat = second.coordinate.latitude-first.coordinate.latitude;
    float dLon = second.coordinate.longitude-first.coordinate.longitude;
    float a = pow(sin(dLat/2),2) + cos(first.coordinate.latitude)*cos(second.coordinate.latitude) * pow(sin(dLon/2),2);
    float c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a),sqrt(1-a));
    float d = radius * c;

    return d;
               toCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)second {

    float deltaLongitude = second.longitude - first.longitude;
    float deltaLatitude = second.latitude - first.latitude;
    float angle = (M_PI * .5f) - atan(deltaLatitude / deltaLongitude);

    if (deltaLongitude > 0)      return angle;
    else if (deltaLongitude < 0) return angle + M_PI;
    else if (deltaLatitude < 0)  return M_PI;

    return 0.0f;
#define RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(radians) ((radians) * 180.0 / M_PI)
    ,您正在此处计算从一个点到另一个的“轴承”。此网页上有很多公式,以及距离和跨轨误差等其他许多地理量: http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html 公式采用多种格式,因此您可以轻松转换为iPhone所需的任何语言。还有JavaScript计算器,因此您可以测试自己的代码得到与他们相同的答案。     ,如果其他解决方案对您不起作用,请尝试以下操作:
- (int)getInitialBearingFrom:(CLLocation *)first
                        to:(CLLocation *)second
    float lat1 = [self degreesToRad:first.coordinate.latitude];
    float lat2 = [self degreesToRad:second.coordinate.latitude];
    float lon1 = [self degreesToRad:first.coordinate.longitude];
    float lon2 = [self degreesToRad:second.coordinate.longitude];
    float dLon = lon2 - lon1;
    float y = sin (dLon) * cos (lat2);
    float x1 = cos (lat1) * sin (lat2);
    float x2 = sin (lat1) * cos (lat2) * cos (dLon);
    float x = x1 - x2;
    float bearingRadRaw = atan2f (y,x);
    float bearingDegRaw = bearingRadRaw * 180 / M_PI;
    int bearing = ((int) bearingDegRaw + 360) % 360; // +- 180 deg to 360 deg

    return bearing;
对于最终轴承,只需将初始轴承从端点移至起点,然后将其反转即可(使用θ=(θ+ 180)%360)。 您需要以下两个助手:
    return radians * 180 / M_PI;
    return degrees * M_PI /180;