

| 帮帮我,我正在尝试提交一个表单-ajax样式。 本质上,我希望能够将表单“提交”到另一个页面,而无需将用户重定向到第二个页面。理想情况下,它将在表单页面显示某种“成功”或“失败”消息。 下面的代码不起作用。我不确定是什么问题。 我已经通过将用户发布并重定向页面来测试了我的process.PHP,它可以完美地工作。关于如何使它与Ajax一起使用,我有什么建议吗? (我正在使用jquery)
    $(function() { // wait for the DOM to be ready
    $(\'#personal_email\').submit(function() { // bind function to submit event of form
          type: $(this).attr(\'method\'),// get type of request from \'method\'
          url: $(this).attr(\'action\'),// get url of request from \'action\'
          data: $(this).serialize(),// serialize the form\'s data
          success: function(responseText) {
              // if everything goes well,update the div with the response
    return false; // important: prevent the form from submitting
<form  name=\"personal_email\" id=\"personal_email\" action=\"proccess.PHP\" method=\"post\">
     <input type=\"text\" id=\"newsletteremail\" name=\"newsletteremail\" value=\"my email address\" onfocus=\"if(this.value==\'my email address\')this.value=\'\'\"/>
     <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Subscribe\" />


<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.1/jquery.min.js\" ></script>
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
    $(document).ready(function() { // wait for the DOM to be ready
    $(\'#personal_email\').submit(function() { // bind function to submit event of form
          type: $(this).attr(\'method\'),// get type of request from \'method\'
          url: $(this).attr(\'action\'),// get url of request from \'action\'
          data: $(this).serialize(),// serialize the form\'s data
          success: function(responseText) {
              // if everything goes well,update the div with the response
    return false; // important: prevent the form from submitting
<div id=\"result\"></div>
<form  name=\"personal_email\" id=\"personal_email\" action=\"process.php\" method=\"post\">
     <input type=\"text\" id=\"newsletteremail\" name=\"newsletteremail\" value=\"my email address\" onfocus=\"if(this.value==\'my email address\')this.value=\'\'\"/>
     <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Subscribe\" />