展开折叠显示x个字符divphp issue


| 我们广泛使用它,但是我有一个问题。 我正在尝试使用以下脚本的(更多/更少)功能来控制所显示文本的数量。但是,因为我是通过PHP提取文本,所以无法正常工作。 有任何想法吗。 带有扩展器div的html是:
<div class=\"expandable\"><p><?=stripslashes(nl2br($r[\'description\']));?></p></div>
    $(document).ready(function() {

  // simple example,using all default options
  $(\'div.expandable p\').expander();

  // *** OR ***

  // override some default options
  $(\'div.expandable p\').expander({
    slicePoint:       120,// default is 100
    expandText:         \'...more\',// default is \'read more...\'
    collapseTimer:    10000,// re-collapses after 5 seconds; default is 0,so no re-collapsing
    userCollapseText: \'...less\'  // default is \'[collapse expanded text]\'


The main expander js is:

    (function($) {

  $.fn.expander = function(options) {

    var opts = $.extend({},$.fn.expander.defaults,options);
    var delayedCollapse;
    return this.each(function() {
      var $this = $(this);
      var o = $.Meta ? $.extend({},opts,$this.data()) : opts;
        var cleanedTag,startTags,endTags; 
        var allText = $this.html();
        var startText = allText.slice(0,o.slicePoint).replace(/\\w+$/,\'\');
        startTags = startText.match(/<\\w[^>]*>/g);
      if (startTags) {startText = allText.slice(0,o.slicePoint + startTags.join(\'\').length).replace(/\\w+$/,\'\');}

        if (startText.lastIndexOf(\'<\') > startText.lastIndexOf(\'>\') ) {
          startText = startText.slice(0,startText.lastIndexOf(\'<\'));
        var endText = allText.slice(startText.length);        
        // create necessary expand/collapse elements if they don\'t already exist
      if (!$(\'span.details\',this).length) {
        // end script if text length isn\'t long enough.
        if ( endText.replace(/\\s+$/,\'\').split(\' \').length < o.widow ) { return; }
        // otherwise,continue...    
        if (endText.indexOf(\'</\') > -1) {
            endTags = endText.match(/<(\\/)?[^>]*>/g);
          for (var i=0; i < endTags.length; i++) {

            if (endTags[i].indexOf(\'</\') > -1) {
              var startTag,startTagExists = false;
              for (var j=0; j < i; j++) {
                startTag = endTags[j].slice(0,endTags[j].indexOf(\' \')).replace(/(\\w)$/,\'$1>\');
                if (startTag == rSlash(endTags[i])) {
                  startTagExists = true;
              if (!startTagExists) {
                startText = startText + endTags[i];
                var matched = false;
                for (var s=startTags.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) {
                  if (startTags[s].slice(0,startTags[s].indexOf(\' \')).replace(/(\\w)$/,\'$1>\') == rSlash(endTags[i]) 
                  && matched == false) {
                    cleanedTag = cleanedTag ? startTags[s] + cleanedTag : startTags[s];
                    matched = true;

          endText = cleanedTag && cleanedTag + endText || endText;
            startText,\'<span class=\"read-more\">\',o.expandPrefix,\'<a href=\"#\">\',o.expandText,\'</a>\',\'</span>\',\'<span class=\"details\">\',endText,\'</span>\'
      var $thisDetails = $(\'span.details\',this),$readMore = $(\'span.read-more\',this);
        $readMore.find(\'a\').click(function() {

          if (o.expandEffect === \'show\' && !o.expandSpeed) {
          } else {
            $thisDetails[o.expandEffect](o.expandSpeed,function() {
            $thisDetails.css({zoom: \'\'});
        return false;
      if (o.userCollapse) {
        .find(\'span.details\').append(\'<span class=\"re-collapse\">\' + o.userCollapsePrefix + \'<a href=\"#\">\' + o.userCollapseText + \'</a></span>\');
        $this.find(\'span.re-collapse a\').click(function() {

          var $detailsCollapsed = $(this).parents(\'span.details\');
          return false;
    function reCollapse(el) {
    function delayCollapse(option,$collapseEl) {
      if (option.collapseTimer) {
        delayedCollapse = setTimeout(function() {  
    function rSlash(rString) {
      return rString.replace(/\\//,\'\');
    // plugin defaults
  $.fn.expander.defaults = {
    slicePoint:       500,// the number of characters at which the contents will be sliced into two parts. 
                            // Note: any tag names in the HTML that appear inside the sliced element before 
                            // the slicePoint will be counted along with the text characters.
    widow:            4,// a threshold of sorts for whether to initially hide/collapse part of the element\'s contents. 
                          // If after slicing the contents in two there are fewer words in the second part than 
                          // the value set by widow,we won\'t bother hiding/collapsing anything.
    expandText:       \'... more\',// text displayed in a link instead of the hidden part of the element. 
                                      // clicking this will expand/show the hidden/collapsed text
    expandPrefix:     \'&hellip; \',collapseTimer:    0,// number of milliseconds after text has been expanded at which to collapse the text again
    expandEffect:     \'fadeIn\',expandSpeed:      \'\',// speed in milliseconds of the animation effect for expanding the text
    userCollapse:     true,// allow the user to re-collapse the expanded text.
    userCollapseText: \'\',// text to use for the link to re-collapse the text
    userCollapsePrefix: \' \',beforeExpand: function($thisEl) {},afterExpand: function($thisEl) {},onCollapse: function($thisEl,byUser) {}
Div标签包裹着忽略了js 有什么建议么。     




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