

|| 你好 在htc的Android市场上,我们可以使用徽标 如何将该徽标用于我们的应用程序?     


<application android:icon=\"@drawable/icon_marmara\" >
    ,不,请勿更改图标,但可以更改我在Android Market中的应用程序的徽标     ,那好吧
<application android:logo=\"@drawable/sweet_logo\">
?     ,
    The ActionBar will use the android:logo attribute of your manifest,if one is provided. That lets you use separate drawable resources
    for the icon (Launcher) and the logo (ActionBar,among other things).

    setDisplayUseLogoEnabled() Enables the use of an alternative image
    (a \"logo\") in the Action Bar,instead of the default application icon.
    A logo is often a wider,more detailed image that represents the
    application. When this is enabled,the system uses the logo image defined
    for the application (or the individual activity) in the manifest file,with the android:logo attribute. The logo will be resized as necessary
    to fit the height of the Action Bar. (Best practice is to design the logo
    at the same size as your application icon.)

    To replace the icon with a logo,specify your application logo in the
    manifest file with the android:logo attribute,then call
    setDisplayUseLogoEnabled(true) in your activity.