

|| 我已经阅读了Apple的View Transitions教程(在这里) 执行过渡的代码是:


// First create a CATransition object to describe the transition 

CATransition *transition = [CATransition animation]; 

// Animate over 3/4 of a second 

transition.duration = 0.75; 

// using the ease in/out timing function 

transition.timingFunction = [camediatimingFunction functionWithName:kcamediatimingFunctionEaseInEaSEOut]; 

// Now to set the type of transition. Since we need to choose at random,we\'ll setup a couple of arrays to help us. 

Nsstring *types[4] = {kCATransitionMoveIn,kCATransitionPush,kCATransitionReveal,kCATransitionFade}; 

Nsstring *subtypes[4] = {kCATransitionFromLeft,kCATransitionFromright,kCATransitionFromTop,kCATransitionFromBottom}; 

int rnd = random() % 4; 

transition.type = types[rnd]; 

if(rnd < 3) // if we didn\'t pick the fade transition,then we need to set a subtype too 


    transition.subtype = subtypes[random() % 4]; 


// Finally,to avoid overlapping transitions we assign ourselves as the delegate for the animation and wait for the 

// -animationDidStop:finished: message. When it comes in,we will flag that we are no longer transitioning. 

transitioning = YES; 

transition.delegate = self; 

// Next add it to the containerView\'s layer. This will perform the transition based on how we change its contents. 

[containerView.layer addAnimation:transition forKey:nil]; 

// Here we hide view1,and show view2,which will cause Core Animation to animate view1 away and view2 in. 

view1.hidden = YES; 

view2.hidden = NO; 

// And so that we will continue to swap between our two images,we swap the instance variables referencing them. 

UIImageView *tmp = view2; 

view2 = view1; 

view1 = tmp; 

我的问题是:在向下钻取时,如何使用此代码将表视图的转换从左向右更改?如何更改didSelectRowAtIndexPath方法以完成此操作? ps。这个问题不是这个问题的重复。     




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