C ++ Win32,如何向Win32对话框中添加下拉菜单


|| C ++ Win32,如何向Win32对话框添加下拉菜单 你好 这是我第一次将问题发布到stackoverflow。 我试图将组合框(在menu.cpp中)添加到Win32对话框(在fingerpell.cpp中)。我不太会Win32 编程和大多数msdn示例片段在窗口内绘制一个组合框。即使DialogBox在技术上 一个窗口,但是在修改任何窗口示例代码以处理DialogBox方面我没有什么进展。我非常感谢一个可行的例子。 该代码的大致示意图如下。 fingerpell.cpp创建实现WinMain函数,然后调用 其他自定义类在此DialogBox中绘制。没有使用其他窗口控件,如按钮,文本区域等。 fingerpell.cpp的代码
#include \"fingerspell.h\"
extern \"C\" __declspec(dllexport)bool isgloveDriverInstalled();
extern \"C\" __declspec(dllimport)bool initialize();

#define RUN( x ) if ( SUCCEEDED( result ) ) { result = x; }

BOOL g_fullscreen = FALSE;
bool portReady;

INT_PTR CALLBACK OptionDialogProc( HWND hwndDlg,UINT uMsg,WParaM wParam,LParaM lParam) 
    switch (uMsg) {
        case WM_INITDIALOG:
            if (wParam == IDOK)
                return TRUE ;
                return FALSE ;

        case WM_COMMAND:
            if (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED) {
                if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK) {
                    g_fullscreen = TRUE;
                    EndDialog (hwndDlg,1) ;
                else if (LOWORD(wParam) == ID_WINDOW_OPT) {
                    g_fullscreen = FALSE;
                    EndDialog (hwndDlg,1) ;
                else {
                    EndDialog (hwndDlg,0) ;

                return TRUE ;

            return FALSE;
            break ;

int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance,HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,LPSTR lpCmdLine,int nCmdshow )
    INT_PTR dispOption = DialogBox (hInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_disPLAY_OPTIONS),NULL,OptionDialogProc) ;
    if (dispOption == 0)
        return 0 ;

    //srand( GetTickCount( ) );

    HRESULT result = S_OK;

    if (!isgloveDriverInstalled())
        portReady = FALSE;
        MessageBox(NULL,\"The glove Driver is not istalled \",\"Error\",MB_OK );
        if (!initialize())
            portReady = FALSE;
            MessageBox(NULL,\"Error opening Com Port\",MB_OK );
            portReady = TRUE;

    RUN( Words ::Create     ( \"default.txt\" ) );
    RUN( Window::Create     ( ) );
    RUN( Render::Create     ( ) );
    RUN( Art   ::Create     ( ) );
    RUN( Menu  ::Create     ( ) );
    RUN( Window::MessageLoop( ) );
    RUN( Menu  ::Destroy    ( ) );
    RUN( Art   ::Destroy    ( ) );
    RUN( Render::Destroy    ( ) );
    RUN( Window::Destroy    ( ) );
    RUN( Words ::Destroy    ( ) );

    if ( Failed( result ) )
        MessageBox( GetDesktopWindow( ),\"Warning - Fail Code Detected\",\"Fingerspell 2002\",MB_ICONWARNING | MB_OK );

    return result;
#include \"fingerspell.h\"

#include <windows.h>  //include all the basics
#include <tchar.h>    //string and other mapping macros
#include <string>

HRESULT Menu::Create(  )
    // set menu as the background
    Render::SetBackground( ART_MENU );
    // clear overlay
    Render::Reset( );
    Window::SetProc( Proc );
    return S_OK;

HRESULT Menu::Destroy( void )
    return S_OK;

LRESULT CALLBACK Menu::Proc( HWND hwnd,LParaM lParam )
    DWORD i ;

    const static RECT button_rect[ 8 ] =
        { 52,139,52 + 101,139 + 50 },//1. about
        { 55,212,55 + 85,212 + 50 },// 2. learn
        { 67,280,67 + 63,280 + 50 },// 3. exit
        { 397,137,397+ 233,137 + 50 },// 4. Add Delete List. 
        { 421,187,421+ 183,187 + 50 },// 5. add word
        { 413,247,413+ 201,247 + 50 },// 6. delete word
        { 450,300,450+ 124,300 + 50 },// 7. practice
        { 473,349,473 + 82,349 + 50 },// 8. test


    // custom message processing

    switch ( uMsg )
        case WM_CREATE:
            return OnCreate(hwnd,reinterpret_cast<CREATESTRUCT*>(lParam));

        case WM_MOUSEMOVE: // move is moved,see where  is it pointing to. 
            int xPos = GET_X_LParaM( lParam );
            int yPos = GET_Y_LParaM( lParam );

            for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
                if ( xPos >= button_rect[ i ].left && yPos >= button_rect[ i ].top )
                    if ( xPos < button_rect[ i ].right && yPos < button_rect[ i ].bottom )
                        // set selection

                        Render::Setoverlay( 0,(ART) ( ART_MENU_LEARN + i ),button_rect[ i ].left,button_rect[ i ].top );


            if ( i == 8 )
                 //remove selection

                Render::Setoverlay( 0,ART_NULL,0 );

            return 0;

        case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:
            switch ( Render::Getoverlay( 0 ) )
                case ART_MENU_EXIT: // done. 
                    Menu::Destroy( );

                    Learn::Create( );


                case ART_MENU_LEARN: // done 
                    Menu::Destroy( );

                    About::Create( );


                case ART_MENU_ABOUT: // done 
                    Menu::Destroy( );

                    Test::Create( );


                case ART_MENU_TEST: // done. 
                    Menu::Destroy( );

                    Practice::Create( );


                case ART_MENU_DELETEWORD: // done 
                    Menu::Destroy( );

                    AddWord::Create( );


                case ART_MENU_ADDDELETELIST:
                    //Menu::Destroy () ;

                    PostQuitMessage( 0 );


                case ART_MENU_ADD:
                    Menu::Destroy( );

                    // About is place holder. should be AddDELETELIST
                    About::Create( );


                case ART_MENU_PRACTICE: // done. 
                    Menu::Destroy( );

                    // About is place holder. shd be DELETEWORD. 
                    About::Create( );



            return 0;



    // default message processing

    return DefWindowProc( hwnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam );


http://www.resedit.net/ 我认为它比Visual Studio编辑器(仅专业提供)要好     ,在Vista或更高版本上,使用简单的BS_SPLITBUTTON样式的按钮控件(WC_BUTTON),然后处理BCN_DROPDOWN来创建菜单。 我尚未尝试过此实际代码,但此示例看起来很合理:http://www.codereflect.com/2009/02/19/how-to-create-a-drop-down-button-in-windows- vista-7 / 马丁