

| 我正在尝试寻找一种有效的方法获取输入字符串,并在每个标点符号
. : ? !
)后的空白处加上大写字母。 输入:   \“我吃了点东西。但是我没有:   相反,没有。你怎么看?一世   别想!不好意思。moi\“ 输出:   \“我吃了点东西。但是我没有:   相反,没有。你怎么看?一世   别想!不好意思。moi\“ 显而易见的是将其拆分,然后大写每个组的第一个字符,然后将所有内容连接在一起。但这太丑陋了。最好的方法是什么? (我正在考虑使用大写第一个字母的
,但想获得更多想法) 谢谢!     


string expression = @\"[\\.\\?\\!,]\\s+([a-z])\";
string input = \"I ate something. but I didn\'t: instead,no. what do you think? i think not! excuse me.moi\";
char[] charArray = input.ToCharArray();
foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(input,expression,RegexOptions.Singleline))
    charArray[match.Groups[1].Index] = Char.ToUpper(charArray[match.Groups[1].Index]);
string output = new string(charArray);
// \"I ate something. But I didn\'t: instead,No. What do you think? I think not! Excuse me.moi\"
static class Ext
    public static string CapitalizeAfter(this string s,IEnumerable<char> chars)
        var charsHash = new HashSet<char>(chars);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s);
        for (int i = 0; i < sb.Length - 2; i++)
            if (charsHash.Contains(sb[i]) && sb[i + 1] == \' \')
                sb[i + 2] = char.ToUpper(sb[i + 2]);
        return sb.ToString();
string capitalized = s.CapitalizeAfter(new[] { \'.\',\':\',\'?\',\'!\' });
public static string CorrectTextCasing(this string text)
    //  /[.:?!]\\\\s[a-z]/ matches letters following a space and punctuation,//  /^(?:\\\\s+)?[a-z]/  matches the first letter in a string (with optional leading spaces)
    Regex regexCasing = new Regex(\"(?:[.:?!]\\\\s[a-z]|^(?:\\\\s+)?[a-z])\",RegexOptions.Multiline);

    //  First ensure all characters are lower case.  
    //  (In my case it comes all in caps; this line may be omitted depending upon your needs)        
    text = text.ToLower();

    //  Capitalize each match in the regular expression,using a lambda expression
    text = regexCasing.Replace(text,s => (s.Value.ToUpper));

    //  Return the new string.
    return text;

string mangled = \"i\'m A little teapot,short AND stout. here IS my Handle.\";
string corrected = s.CorrectTextCasing();
//  returns \"I\'m a little teapot,short and stout.  Here is my handle.\"
    ,使用Regex / MatchEvaluator路线,您可以在
并大写整个比赛。     ,其中text变量包含字符串
        string text = \"I ate something. but I didn\'t: instead,no. what do you think? i think not! excuse me.moi\";
        string[] punctuators = { \"?\",\"!\",\",\"-\",\":\",\";\",\".\" };
        for (int i = 0; i< 7;i++)
            int pos = text.IndexOf(punctuators[i]);
                text = text.Insert(pos+2,char.ToUpper(text[pos + 2]).ToString());
                text = text.Remove(pos + 3,1);
                pos = text.IndexOf(punctuators[i],pos+1);