寻找一个“没有SVCUtil的Hello World WCF”工作解决方案项目,最好在VB.NET中下载


| 有人可以指出我可以下载的示例解决方案吗?我很难找到一个。     


Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Imports System.ServiceModel
\' NOTE: You can use the \"Rename\" command on the context menu to change the interface name \"IService\" in both code and config file together.
Public Interface IService

    Function GetData(ByVal value As Integer) As String

    Function GetDataUsingDataContract(ByVal composite As CompositeType) As CompositeType

    Function GetCustomer() As Customer

    \' TODO: Add your service operations here

End Interface

\' Use a data contract as illustrated in the sample below to add composite types to service operations.
Public Class Customer

    Public Property Name() As String

    Public Property Age() As Integer

End Class

Public Class CompositeType

    Public Property BoolValue() As Boolean
    Public Property StringValue() As String

End Class
Imports MyInterfaces

\' NOTE: You can use the \"Rename\" command on the context menu to change the class name \"Service\" in code,svc and config file together.
Public Class Service
    Implements IService

    Public Function GetData(ByVal value As Integer) As String Implements IService.GetData
        Return String.Format(\"You entered: {0}\",value)
    End Function

    Public Function GetDataUsingDataContract(ByVal composite As CompositeType) As CompositeType Implements IService.GetDataUsingDataContract
        If composite Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException(\"composite\")
        End If
        If composite.BoolValue Then
            composite.StringValue &= \"Suffix\"
        End If
        Return composite
    End Function

    Public Function GetCustomer() As MyInterfaces.Customer Implements MyInterfaces.IService.GetCustomer
        Dim x As New Customer
        x.Age = 15
        x.Name = \"Chad\"
        Return x
    End Function

End Class
Imports System.ServiceModel
Imports MyInterfaces

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object,e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Dim endPoint As New EndpointAddress(\"http://localhost:9496/WCFService4/Service.svc\")
        Dim binding As New BasicHttpBinding()

        Dim proxy As IService = ChannelFactory(Of IService).CreateChannel(binding,endPoint)

        Dim getDateResult As String = proxy.GetData(3)

        Dim myCompositeType As New MyInterfaces.CompositeType
        myCompositeType.BoolValue = True
        myCompositeType.StringValue = \"ok\"

        Dim result As MyInterfaces.CompositeType = proxy.GetDataUsingDataContract(myCompositeType)
End Sub
这只是一个快速而肮脏的例子。我的目标是摆脱使用添加服务向导时通常会生成的代理对象。我想该端点应该来自配置文件,尽管我不确定在VS \的Web服务器上调试时如何动态确定端口是什么。
Dim endPoint As New EndpointAddress(\"http://localhost:9496/WCFService4/Service.svc\")