


如果我更改 isFav 状态,就会出现奇怪的行为。

在 iPhoneOS 上:

  • 当我选择一个项目时,DetailView 会出现。
  • 如果我更改 isFav 状态(切换),DetailView 将消失
  • Video

在 iPadOS 上:

  • 当我选择一个项目时,DetailView 会出现。
  • 如果我更改 isFav 状态(切换),DetailView 不会消失,但在侧边栏中,选择[消失]
  • Video
//  ContentView.swift
//  Shared
//  Created by Christian on 06.06.21.

import SwiftUI

//MARK: - Data Model

struct Item: Identifiable,Equatable,Hashable {
   var id = UUID().uuidString
   var isFav = false
   var text: String

struct ItemScoped: Identifiable,Hashable {
   var id: String {
      return item.id
   var item: Item
   var index: Int

//MARK: Store

class ItemStore: ObservableObject {
   @Published var items = [Item(text: "Item 1"),Item(text: "Item 2"),Item(isFav: true,text: "Item 3"),Item(text: "Item 4")]
   func scopedItems(isFav: Bool) -> [ItemScoped] {
      let sItems: [ItemScoped]  = items.compactMap {
         guard let idx = items.firstIndex(of: $0) else { return nil }
         return ItemScoped(item: $0,index: idx)
      return sItems.filter { $0.item.isFav == isFav }

//MARK: - Views

struct ContentView: View {
   // usally this is @Environmetobject,due to simplicity I put it here
   @StateObject var store: ItemStore = ItemStore()
   var body: some View {
      NavigationView {
         List {
            Section(header: Text("Favorites")) {
               ForEach(store.scopedItems(isFav: true)) { scopedItems in
                     destination: DetailView(item: $store.items[scopedItems.index]),label: {
                        RowView(item: $store.items[scopedItems.index])
            Section(header: Text("Other")) {
               ForEach(store.scopedItems(isFav: false)) { scopedItems in
                     destination: DetailView(item: $store.items[scopedItems.index]),label: {
                        RowView(item: $store.items[scopedItems.index])

// MARK: Row View

/// RowView for item,tapping the text toggle the `isFav` state
struct RowView: View {
   @Binding var item: Item
   var body: some View {
         title: { Text(item.text) },icon: { item.isFav ? Image(systemName: "star.fill") : Image(systemName: "star")}

// MARK: Detail View

/// DetailView to change item `text` and toggle `isFav` state
struct DetailView: View {
   @Binding var item: Item
   var body: some View {
      vstack {
            .frame(height: 20.0)
         TextField("Title",text: $item.text)
         Toggle("is Fav",isOn: $item.isFav.animation())

// MARK: - Preview

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
   static var previews: some View {


我找到了使用 tagNavigationLink 属性包装器的 @SceneStorage 属性的解决方案。

  1. 创建一个 @SceneStorage(每个场景的持久状态)

     @State private var sceneItemID: String?  

     @SceneStorage private var sceneItemID: String?  
  2. 为每个id添加一个带有唯一NavigationLink的标签

    NavigationLink(destination:  DetailView(item: $item),tag: item.id,selection: $sceneItemID,label: {
                        RowView(item: $item)

    每次使用导航链接时,sceneItemID 都会更新为 tag(在本例中为 item.id)。

  3. DetailView 中更新 sceneItemID 修饰符中的 .onAppear()
    由于 isFav 状态更改期间的行为,这是必要的。

现在它只能在 iPad 上工作,侧边栏不能正确显示选择。在 macOS 和 iPhone 上,这有效。

//  ContentView.swift
//  Shared
//  Created by Christian on 06.06.21.

import SwiftUI

//MARK: - Data Model

struct Item: Identifiable,Equatable,Hashable {
   var id = UUID().uuidString
   var isFav = false
   var text: String

struct ItemScoped: Identifiable,Hashable {
   var id: String {
      return item.id
   var item: Item
   var index: Int

//MARK: Store

class ItemStore: ObservableObject {
   @Published var items = [Item(id: "uuid01",text: "Item 1"),Item(id: "uuid02",text: "Item 2"),Item(id: "uuid03",isFav: true,text: "Item 3"),Item(id: "uuid04",text: "Item 4")]
   /// scope item to sections and keep knowledge of origin index
   func scopedItems(isFav: Bool) -> [ItemScoped] {
      let sItems: [ItemScoped]  = items.compactMap {
         guard let idx = items.firstIndex(of: $0) else { return nil }
         return ItemScoped(item: $0,index: idx)
      return sItems.filter { $0.item.isFav == isFav }

//MARK: - Views

struct ContentView: View {
   // usally this is @EnvironmetObject,due to simplicity I put it here
   @StateObject var store: ItemStore = ItemStore()
   @SceneStorage("SceneItemSelectionID") private var sceneItemID: String?
   var body: some View {
      NavigationView {
         List {
            Section(header: Text("Favorites")) {
               ForEach(store.scopedItems(isFav: true)) { scopedItems in
                     destination: DetailView(item: $store.items[scopedItems.index]),//MARK: !! IMPORTANT: use unique indetifier as tag
                     tag: store.items[scopedItems.index].id,label: {
                        RowView(item: $store.items[scopedItems.index])
            Section(header: Text("Others")) {
               ForEach(store.scopedItems(isFav: false)) { scopedItems in
                     destination: DetailView(item: $store.items[scopedItems.index]),label: {
                        RowView(item: $store.items[scopedItems.index])

// MARK: Row View

/// RowView for item,tapping the text toggle the `isFav` state
struct RowView: View {
   @Binding var item: Item
   var body: some View {
         title: { Text(item.text) },icon: { item.isFav ? Image(systemName: "star.fill") : Image(systemName: "star")}

// MARK: Detail View

/// DetailView to change item `text` and toggle `isFav` state
struct DetailView: View {
   @Binding var item: Item
   @SceneStorage("SceneItemSelectionID") private var sceneItemID: String?
   var body: some View {
      VStack {
            .frame(height: 20.0)
         TextField("Title",text: $item.text)
         Toggle("is Fav:",isOn: $item.isFav.animation())
      .onAppear() {
         //MARK: !! IMPORTANT set scene selction id again
         sceneItemID = item.id

// MARK: - Preview

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
   static var previews: some View {