使用 Apple Developer Portal 进行身份验证时,Expo 的 eas 构建命令 (iOS) 失败




在运行“eas build”时,我们收到以下错误

eas build  
✔ Build for platforms › All
✔ Linked to project @{user}/{ProjectName}
✔ Using remote Android credentials (Expo server)
Using Keystore from configuration: Build Credentials {ProjectName} (default)
✔ Compressed project files 1s (11.8 MB)
✔ Uploaded to EAS 21s
✔ Using remote iOS credentials (Expo server)

If you provide your Apple account credentials we will be able to generate all necessary build credentials and fully validate them.
This is optional,but without Apple account access you will need to provide all the values manually and we can only run minimal validation on them.
✔ Do you want to log in to your Apple account? … yes

› Log in to your Apple Developer account to continue
✔ Apple ID: … {user}@gmail.com
› Restoring session /Users/{user}/.app-store/auth/{user}@gmail.com/cookie
› Session expired Local session
› Using password for {user}@gmail.com from your local Keychain
  Learn more: https://docs.expo.io/distribution/security#keychain
✔ Logged in New session
Authentication with Apple Developer Portal Failed!
    Error: Cannot extract key "teams" from response data of type string: <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

