

当我尝试将设备与 Samsung galaxy Xcover 5 (SMG525F) 配对时,我们突然断开连接,以下是断开连接前打印的 BT 堆栈日志

06-07 19:15:41.363  1225  1886 I bt_stack: [INFO:btsnoop.cc(544)] clear_l2cap_whitelist: Clearing whitelist from l2cap channel. conn_handle=352 cid=64:138
06-07 19:15:41.363  1225  1886 I bt_stack: [INFO:port_rfc.cc(1004)] port_rfc_closed: RFCOMM connection closed,index=10,state=2,reason=Peer connection Failed[16],UUID=0x1101,bd_addr=84253f,is_server=0
06-07 19:15:41.363  1225  1919 E bt_btif_sock_rfcomm: find_rfc_slot_by_id unable to find RFCOMM slot id: 45
06-07 19:15:41.364  1225  1886 E bt_btm  : Reset sec_bd_name and name flag. (BR/EDR link)
06-07 19:15:41.368 16532  7817 V Bluetooth: We are in the wait for InStream data
06-07 19:15:41.370  1225  1886 W bt_btif : BtifAvPeer *BtifAvSource::FindOrCreatePeer(const RawAddress &,tBTA_AV_HNDL,uint32_t): Create peer: peer_address=84253f bta_handle=0x41 peer_id=0
06-07 19:15:41.370  1225  1886 W bt_btif : virtual bool BtifAvstateMachine::StateIdle::ProcessEvent(uint32_t,void *): Peer 84253f : event=BTIF_AV_ACL_disCONNECTED(0x23)
06-07 19:15:41.371  1225  1886 W bt_btif : DeleteIdlePeers: Deleting idle peer: 84253f bta_handle=0x41
06-07 19:15:41.378   916  1457 D SLocation: BluetoothStatusMonitor - sgfm received : android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_disCONNECTED
06-07 19:15:41.378  1225  1399 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = []
06-07 19:15:41.378  1225  1399 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: setAclConnected :: connected = false,mSocketConnectedCount = 0
06-07 19:15:41.378  1225  1399 D BluetoothDataManager: BluetoothDataManager :: notifydisconnectReason() is called!!!
06-07 19:15:41.378  1225  1399 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT :: p_data->busy_level.level_flags : 0x0,spen_connected : 0 0
06-07 19:15:41.378  1225  1225 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@798d0f9
06-07 19:15:41.379  1245  1419 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_disCONNECTED
06-07 19:15:41.382  1225  1225 I SapService: Unexpected error!
06-07 19:15:41.382  1225  1225 D BluetoothPbapService: action: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_disCONNECTED
06-07 19:15:41.382  1245  1419 D BluetoothController: updateConnected = 0mConnectionState = 0
06-07 19:15:41.383 11565 11565 I [+5]oneconnect[][CORE]: BTStateChangeReceiver.onReceive - Action : android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_disCONNECTED
06-07 19:15:41.384 11565 11565 I [+5]oneconnect[][CORE]: BluetoothHelper.handleActionConnectionStateChanged -  [action]android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_disCONNECTED [connState]0[address] - ($)
06-07 19:15:41.387 11565 11565 I [+5]oneconnect[][CORE]: BluetoothHelper.handleActionConnectionStateChanged - S**********
06-07 19:15:41.388   916  1391 I SpenGestureManagerService: getBleSpenAddress
06-07 19:15:41.388   916  1391 E BleSpenManager: getBleSpenAddress : BLE Spen is not supported
06-07 19:15:41.387  1225  1399 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = []
06-07 19:15:41.388  1225  1399 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: Remote class is UNCATEGORIZED




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