LibUSB - 将视频流式传输到微控制器时断断续续LibUSBK 批量模式


我正在尝试将视频文件流式传输到 MCU,但是每当它在设备上播放视频时,它都会很温和地断断续续。如果我在直播时使用我的电脑,情况会变得更糟。

例如,如果我正在流式传输,然后我在说 discord 中滚动聊天历史记录,口吃会变得非常非常严重,这非常奇怪,但可能是找到问题根源的关键因素。


注意:我们必须在 512 字节块中流式传输 2352 字节(这是针对我正在流式传输的 ISO9660 光盘视频格式,并且对正在播放它的系统至关重要,因此不要认为这是问题或错误)。


// main streaming loop
// we send the data by 512 bytes,so 2352 fits into 5 x 512
// [0] code
// [1] sync_id
// [2] readsync_id
// [3,4,5,6] cd_lba
int VideoStream(char *image_path)
    #define BYTES_PER_SECTOR 2352

    int error = 0; // the error returned from the LibUSB transfer functions
    int received = 0;
    int length = 0;

    unsigned char curr_req_id = 0,req_id = 0;
    unsigned char curr_rdsync_id = 0,rdsync_id = 0;
    unsigned char wr_lock = 0;
    unsigned char *pbuf;
    int fread_result; // contains the result from 'fread'

    unsigned char code;
    unsigned int cd_lba,offset;

    memset(cd_buffer,CD_BUFFER_MAX_LEN); // clear the 'cd_buffer' array before we use it

    fp = fopen(image_path,"rb"); // open the video file (read mode)

    if (fp == NULL)
        #ifdef DEBUG
            printf("Failed to open the video file \"%s\"\n",image_path);
        return 0;


    // calculate the size of the file
    size_t fsize = ftell(fp);
    if (fsize <= 0) return 0;

    // clear the 'cd_buffer' array again

    // main streaming loop
    while (1)
        if(libusb_interrupt_transfer(handle,BULK_EP_IN,cd_buffer,16,&transferred,3000) < 0)
            // these crash the program? why??
            return 0;
        code = cd_buffer[0];
        curr_req_id = cd_buffer[1];
        curr_rdsync_id = cd_buffer[2];
        if (req_id == curr_req_id) continue;
        req_id = curr_req_id;
        if (code == 0x99)
            // idle
        else if (code == 0x01) // data request
            if (wr_lock)
                if (rdsync_id != curr_rdsync_id)
                    wr_lock = 0;
            if (!wr_lock)
                cd_lba = cd_buffer[3] + 0x0000100 * cd_buffer[4] + 0x0010000 * cd_buffer[5] + 0x1000000 * cd_buffer[6];
                offset = (cd_lba - 150) * 0x930;
                fread_result = fread(cd_buffer + 4,1,BYTES_PER_SECTOR,fp);
                if (fread_result < BYTES_PER_SECTOR)
                    int rd_try = 10;
                    int rd_cmplt = 0;
                    int rd_more = BYTES_PER_SECTOR;
                    int rd_total = fread_result;
                    while (rd_try)
                        rd_more -= fread_result;
                        offset += fread_result;
                        fread_result = fread(cd_buffer + 4,rd_more,fp);
                        rd_total += fread_result;
                        if (rd_total == BYTES_PER_SECTOR) rd_cmplt = 1; // if we have read all the bytes,flag that the reading is completed
                        rd_try--; // negate 1 byte
                    // if reading is still not complete,flag that we have an error
                    if (!rd_cmplt) rd_cmplt = 0;
                pbuf = &cd_buffer[2];
                int n = CD_BUFFER_MAX_LEN;
                int c = 0;
                int wrlen = 512;
                while (n)
                    pbuf[0] = 2; 
                    pbuf[1] = c;
                    error = libusb_bulk_transfer(handle,BULK_EP_OUT,pbuf,wrlen,0);
                    pbuf += (wrlen-2);
                    n -= wrlen;
                if (error == 0)
                    rdsync_id = curr_rdsync_id;
                    wr_lock = 1;

关于为什么会发生这种情况的任何建议?我们在 Windows 7(32 位)下使用 libusbk 作为驱动程序。





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