TBB:Task Arena 被初始化为 64 但只使用 23?


我在 TBB 中使用了一些代码,出于某种原因,在使用 VTune 的线程分析时,我发现它没有使用我用来初始化它的线程数。这是我正在做的事情的要点:

#define NUM_VERTS 1189576
#define NUM_LOOPS 7137492
#define LOOP_TABLE_SIZE 1000

// this typedef's been
// copied from ...
typedef struct MLoop {
    /* Vertex index. */
    unsigned int v;
} MLoop;

int main()
    srand(time(NULL));   // Initialization,should only be called once.

tbb::task_arena this_arena;

// let's set up our data
float(*vnors)[3] = (float(*)[3]) malloc(NUM_VERTS * sizeof(*vnors));
float(*lnors_weighted)[3] = (float(*)[3]) malloc(NUM_LOOPS * sizeof(*lnors_weighted));

// fill with random values,though
// at some point we may want to
// integrate OpenGL and some actual
// mesh data
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VERTS; i++) 
    *vnors[i] = rand();

for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LOOPS; i++)
    *lnors_weighted[i] = rand();

// build the loop table,this just points to entries in 
// the vnors table
MLooP* mloop = (MLooP*)malloc(NUM_LOOPS * sizeof(MLoop));
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LOOPS; i++)
    mloop[i].v = (rand() % (NUM_VERTS));

int** vert_loop_lookup = NULL;
if (vert_loop_lookup == NULL) {
    // let's make a lookup table with more contiguous memory access
    vert_loop_lookup = (int**) malloc(NUM_VERTS * sizeof(int*));
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VERTS; i++) {
        // making an assumption here that a vert can be a part of up to 100 loops
        // the real number I SUSPECT will be lower
        vert_loop_lookup[i] = (int*) malloc(LOOP_TABLE_SIZE * sizeof(vert_loop_lookup[0]));
        memset(vert_loop_lookup[i],-1,LOOP_TABLE_SIZE * sizeof(vert_loop_lookup[0]));

    // this is just to track the maximum index for the
    // loop entry for a given vertex,that way we avoid
    // a second loop
    int* index_counter = (int*) malloc(NUM_VERTS * sizeof(int));
    memset(index_counter,NUM_VERTS * sizeof(index_counter[0]));

    // fill up our new table
    for (int lidx = 0; lidx < NUM_LOOPS; lidx++) {
        // get the vert index
        unsigned int vert_index = mloop[lidx].v;
        int curr_loop_table_value = index_counter[vert_index];
        vert_loop_lookup[vert_index][curr_loop_table_value] = lidx;


this_arena.execute([&] {
    // TBB here
    tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<int>(0,NUM_VERTS,1 /* Grain Size */),[&](tbb::blocked_range<int> r)
            for (int i = r.begin(); i < r.end(); ++i)
                // loop through the ... loops
                // of these verts and do some
                // accumulation
                int* loop_table = vert_loop_lookup[i];
                int curr_index = 0;
                for (curr_index = 0; loop_table[curr_index] != -1; curr_index++) {
                    int lidx = loop_table[curr_index];

使用 VTune 的线程分析功能时,我看到应用程序仅使用了 23 个线程。有足够的工作来证明更多线程的合理性,这里发生了什么?如果重要的话,我使用的是 3990X(所以我应该有 128 个可用的逻辑内核)。




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