当有多个文件等待锁定时,flock 是否维护队列?


如果有人能帮助我了解 flock 的功能,那就太好了。让我们说我有以下场景:

process A opens the lock file,finds it does not exists,so it creates it.
process A acquires the lock
process B opens the lock (finds it already exists)
process B tries to acquire the lock but has to wait-- Wait 1
process C opens the lock (finds it already exists)
process C tries to acquire the lock but has to wait-- Wait 2
process D opens the lock (finds it already exists)
process D tries to acquire the lock but has to wait-- Wait 3

基于上面的场景,有3个进程在等待获取锁。我的问题是,一旦进程 A 释放锁,等待的作业将如何处理?是先进先出吗?

谢谢, 凯文




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