datadog 厨师包装食谱失败


我从 datadog 食谱中创建了一个包装好的食谱,但由于某种原因,repository.rb 食谱失败了。我必须说,如果原始数据狗食谱中的运行厨房效果很好。我真的是 CHEF 的新手,我无法解决这个问题。任何帮助都是极好的。提前致谢:)

kitchen converge dd-agent-ubuntu-1804-14
-----> Starting Test Kitchen (v2.11.2)
$$$$$$ Deprecated configuration detected:
Run 'kitchen doctor' for details.

-----> Converging <dd-agent-ubuntu-1804-14>...
       Preparing files for transfer
       Preparing dna.json
       Resolving cookbook dependencies with berkshelf 7.2.0...
       Removing non-cookbook files before transfer
       Preparing solo.rb
-----> Chef installation detected (14)
       Transferring files to <dd-agent-ubuntu-1804-14>
       Starting Chef Client,version 14.15.6
       resolving cookbooks for run list: ["mycookbook_datadog::default"]
       Synchronizing Cookbooks:
         - mycookbook_datadog (1.0.1)
         - chef_handler (3.0.3)
         - datadog (4.0.1)
         - yum (6.1.1)
         - apt (7.4.0)
       Installing Cookbook Gems:
       Compiling Cookbooks...
       [2021-06-13T11:39:12+00:00] WARN: Resource chef_handler from the client is overriding the resource from a cookbook. Please upgrade your cookbook or remove the cookbook from your run_list.
       Recipe: datadog::dd-handler
         * chef_gem[chef-handler-datadog] action install (up to date)
         * chef_handler[Chef::Handler::Datadog] action enable (skipped due to only_if)
         Converging 21 resources
       Recipe: datadog::dd-agent
         * ruby_block[datadog-api-key-unset] action run (skipped due to only_if)
       Recipe: apt::default
         * file[/var/lib/apt/periodic/update-success-stamp] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
         * apt_update[periodic] action periodic (up to date)
         * execute[apt-get update] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
         * execute[apt-get autoremove] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
         * execute[apt-get autoclean] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
         * directory[/var/cache/local] action create (up to date)
         * directory[/var/cache/local/preseeding] action create (up to date)
         * template[/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10dpkg-options] action create (up to date)
         * template[/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10recommends] action create (up to date)
         * apt_package[apt-transport-https,gnupg,dirmngr] action install (up to date)
       Recipe: datadog::repository
         * apt_package[install-apt-transport-https] action install (up to date)
         * apt_repository[datadog] action add
           Error executing action `add` on resource 'apt_repository[datadog]'
           undefined method `start_with?' for nil:NilClass
           Resource Declaration:
           # In /tmp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/datadog/recipes/repository.rb
            53:   apt_repository 'datadog' do
            54:     keyserver keyserver
            55:     key 'A2923DFF56EDA6E76E55E492D3A80E30382E94DE'
            56:     uri node['datadog']['aptrepo']
            57:     distribution node['datadog']['aptrepo_dist']
            58:     components components
            59:     action :add
            60:     retries retries
            61:   end
           Compiled Resource:
           # Declared in /tmp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/datadog/recipes/repository.rb:53:in `from_file'
           apt_repository("datadog") do
             action [:add]
             default_guard_interpreter :default
             declared_type :apt_repository
             cookbook_name "datadog"
             recipe_name "repository"
             keyserver "hkp://"
             key ["XXXXX"]
             uri nil
             distribution "stable"
             components ["7"]
             retries 4
             repo_name "datadog"
           System Info:
           ruby=ruby 2.5.8p224 (2020-03-31 revision 67882) [x86_64-linux]
       Running handlers:
       [2021-06-13T11:39:22+00:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
       Running handlers complete
       [2021-06-13T11:39:22+00:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
       Chef Client Failed. 0 resources updated in 11 seconds
       [2021-06-13T11:39:22+00:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /tmp/kitchen/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
       [2021-06-13T11:39:22+00:00] FATAL: Please provide the contents of the stacktrace.out file if you file a bug report
       [2021-06-13T11:39:22+00:00] FATAL: NoMethodError: apt_repository[datadog] (datadog::repository line 53) had an error: NoMethodError: undefined method `start_with?' for nil:NilClass
>>>>>> ------Exception-------
>>>>>> Class: Kitchen::ActionFailed
>>>>>> Message: 1 actions Failed.
>>>>>>     Converge Failed on instance <dd-agent-ubuntu-1804-14>.  Please see .kitchen/logs/dd-agent-ubuntu-1804-14.log for more details
>>>>>> ----------------------
>>>>>> Please see .kitchen/logs/kitchen.log for more details
>>>>>> Also try running `kitchen diagnose --all` for configuration




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