Laravel Excel 使用 URL 导入单元格访问


我正在使用 Laravel 8Laravel Excel 3.1 导入工作表,但无法访问当前的 Cell 对象及其超链接/URL。


有解决办法!使用带有 <?php //call your import script config(['excel.imports.read_only' => false]); // to get access to all of the cells content \Maatwebsite\Excel\Facades\Excel::import(new \App\Imports\Sheet1,$xlsFile); 接口的 Laravel Excel 导入模型:Handling persistence on your own 并编写更多代码

namespace App\Imports;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Cell;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Row;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\OnEachRow;

class Sheet1 implements OnEachRow
    public function onRow(Row $row)
        foreach ($row->getDelegate()->getCellIterator() as $cell) {
            $cellObj = new Cell($cell); //Laravel Facade Cell Object
            $cellPHPOffice = $cellObj->getDelegate(); // PHP SpreadsheetCell object
            if ($cellPHPOffice->hasHyperlink()) {
                $url = $cellPHPOffice->->getHyperlink()->getUrl(); // Cell URL: works ONLY with excel.imports.read_only => false

Laravel Excel 导入类:

<div {...(condition && props)}></div>