


当前输出:来自对象 -> hrsize


将 KB 转换为 GB 后,我需要为所有输出命名。 变成这样:

TotalMemory: 4,77GB
MemoryAvailable: 1,91GB
MemoryFree: 2,86GB

有了这个输出,我就可以把它转换成一个Hashmap。 (k,v)



class Example {
    static void main(String[] args) {
        int A = 5000000 //TotalMemory -> Kb
        int B = 2000000 // MemoryAvailable -> Kb
        int C = 3000000 // MemoryFree -> Kb
        int[] array = [ A,B,C ] // Convert all variables into an Array

        for(int i in array) {

def size = i // Converting each element from the object to be converted into MB GB or TB

// Memory can be converted in KB MB GB AND teraBYTE depending on its size
String hrSize = ""

try {
    int k = size
    double m = size / 1024 // bytes
    double g = size / 1048576 // bytes
    double t = size / 1073741824 // bytes

    DecimalFormat dec = new DecimalFormat("0.00")

    if (k > 1) {
      //If the size is more than 1kb but less than 1024 bytes,the output will be KiloBytes
        hrSize = dec.format(k).concat("KB")
    if (m > 1) {
      //If the size is more than 1kb but less than 1048576 bytes,the output will be Megabytes
        hrSize = dec.format(m).concat("MB")
    if (g > 1) {
      //If the size is more than 1kb and more than 1048576 but less than 1073741824 bytes,the output will be Gigabytes
        hrSize = dec.format(g).concat("GB")
    if (t > 1) {
      //If the size is more than 1073741824 bytes the output will be terabytes.
        hrSize = dec.format(t).concat("TB")
} catch (Exception e) {
    println("This program ran into a problem,root cause" + e)



我真的希望有人能帮助我,因为我已经为此苦苦挣扎了好几天。 可能这是一些非常基本的事情,但我尽力单独解决它;不开心!



import java.text.*

Map map = [ TotalMemory:5000000,//-> Kb
            MemoryAvailable:2000000,// -> Kb
            MemoryFree:3000000 ] // -> Kb

def toSize = { int size ->
  String hrSize = ""

    int k = size
    int m = size >> 10 // bytes
    int g = size >> 20 // bytes
    int t = size >> 30 // bytes

    DecimalFormat dec = new DecimalFormat("0.00")

    if (k > 1) {
      //If the size is more than 1kb but less than 1024 bytes,the output will be KiloBytes
        hrSize = dec.format(k).concat("KB")
    if (m > 1) {
      //If the size is more than 1kb but less than 1048576 bytes,the output will be Megabytes
        hrSize = dec.format(m).concat("MB")
    if (g > 1) {
      //If the size is more than 1kb and more than 1048576 but less than 1073741824 bytes,the output will be Gigabytes
        hrSize = dec.format(g).concat("GB")
    if (t > 1) {
      //If the size is more than 1073741824 bytes the output will be Terabytes.
        hrSize = dec.format(t).concat("TB")


map.each{ it.value = toSize( it.value ) }

println map



你也可以使用一些类似 apache-commons 的库来为你做尺寸格式化,这样你就不用重新发明轮子了