为什么我不能在登录后控制台.log Facebook accessToken 并重定向到 URL?


我有一个页面,其中有一个按钮可以触发 FB.login 功能,我正在尝试在响应状态为“已连接”后对 accesstoken 进行 console.log,我还想重定向一个页面作为测试使用 window.location.href 但都不起作用。

当我登录时,弹出窗口出现,成功登录后,弹出窗口关闭,我仍然在带有登录按钮的初始页面上,但我放置在 if 语句中的任何代码似乎都没有发生任何事情。 facebook 文档非常模糊,没有很好的例子说明登录后我需要做什么。

function fb_login() {


            if(response.status === 'connected'){
                var accesstoken = response.authResponse.accesstoken;
                 window.location.href = "https://google.com";


这是 html 按钮:

<div data-scope="public_profile,email,pages_read_engagement,pages_show_list" class="fb-login-button" data-width="" data-size="large" data-button-type="continue_with" data-layout="default" data-auto-logout-link="true" data-use-continue-as="true"></div>


好吧,我误解了流程。修复是删除 fb_login 函数,因为该按钮已经触发弹出窗口登录。然后我将 data-onlogin="loginStatus()" 添加到 html 按钮以触发 FB.getLoginStatus,然后我现在可以访问页面上的令牌并在需要时发送到服务器。

<div data-onlogin="loginStatus()" data-scope="public_profile,email,pages_read_engagement,pages_show_list" class="fb-login-button" data-width="" data-size="large" data-button-type="continue_with" data-layout="default" data-auto-logout-link="true" data-use-continue-as="true"></div>
function loginStatus(){
        FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
        if (response.status === 'connected') {
        // The user is logged in and has authenticated your
        // app,and response.authResponse supplies
        // the user's ID,a valid access token,a signed
        // request,and the time the access token 
        // and signed request each expire.
        var uid = response.authResponse.userID;
        var accessToken = response.authResponse.accessToken;
        } else if (response.status === 'not_authorized') {
        // The user hasn't authorized your application.  They
        // must click the Login button,or you must call FB.login
        // in response to a user gesture,to launch a login dialog.
        } else {
        // The user isn't logged in to Facebook. You can launch a
        // login dialog with a user gesture,but the user may have
        // to log in to Facebook before authorizing your application.



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