

注意:我最近发布了 this question,它询问了一个简单的远程组合框。这个问题类似但不重复,因为它将远程组合放在远程网格中。

我正在渲染一个 EditorGridPanel。其中一列使用 ComboBox 编辑器。网格和组合框从不同的 HTTP 端点加载各自的数据。如何强制组合列在初始加载时呈现显示字段?


这是一个例子。您可以将此代码放在任何 ExtJS 3.4 Fiddle 中。

// Create a remote store for the combo Box.
var remoteStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
    url: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos',autoLoad: true,fields: ['id','title']

// Create the combo Box.
var remoteCombo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
    fieldLabel: 'Remote Store (busted)',triggerAction: 'all',mode: 'local',store: remoteStore,valueField: 'id',displayField: 'title',lazyRender: true

// Create the column model for the grid.
var columnModel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel(
        header: 'Column 1',dataIndex: 'column1',width: 220,editor: new Ext.form.TextField()
        id: 'column2',header: 'Column 2',dataIndex: 'column2',width: 130,editor: remoteCombo,renderer: (value) => {
            var record = remoteCombo.findRecord(remoteCombo.valueField,value);
            return record ? record.get(remoteCombo.displayField) : 'Loading...';

// Create a local grid store with some fake data.
var fakeData = [{
    column1: 'row 1',column2: 1
    column1: 'row 2',column2: '2'
    column1: 'row 3',column2: '3'
var gridStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
    autoDestroy: true,autoLoad: false,fields: ['column1','column2'],data: fakeData

// Workaround #1: load grid store AFTER all required combo stores are loaded.
// remoteStore.on('load',() => gridStore.loadData(fakeData));

// Workaround #2: force the column to re-render all records after the store is loaded.
// Kludgy and also marks the records as dirty.
// remoteStore.on('load',() => {
//     gridStore.each((record) => {
//         var originalValue = record.get('column2');
//         record.set('column2',undefined);
//         record.set('column2',originalValue);
//     });
// });

// Render the grid.
new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({
    store: gridStore,cm: columnModel,autoExpandColumn: 'column2',renderTo: Ext.getBody(),width: 600,height: 300,title: 'Grid with remote combo',frame: true,});


我认为您可以避免商店的同步加载。只需将 remoteStore 'load' 事件的单个侦听器放在网格 'render' 事件中。像这样:

// Create a remote store for the combo box.
var remoteStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
    url: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos',autoLoad: true,fields: ['id','title']

// Create the combo box.
var remoteCombo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
    fieldLabel: 'Remote Store (busted)',triggerAction: 'all',mode: 'local',store: remoteStore,valueField: 'id',displayField: 'title',lazyRender: true

// Create the column model for the grid.
var columnModel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel(
        header: 'Column 1',dataIndex: 'column1',width: 220,editor: new Ext.form.TextField()
        id: 'column2',header: 'Column 2',dataIndex: 'column2',width: 130,editor: remoteCombo,renderer: (value,metaData,record,rowIndex,colIndex,store) => {
            var recordIndex = remoteCombo.getStore().findExact(remoteCombo.valueField,value);
            var record = remoteCombo.getStore().getAt(recordIndex);
            return record ? record.get(remoteCombo.displayField) : 'Loading...';

// Create a local grid store with some fake data.
var fakeData = [{
    column1: 'row 1',column2: 1
    column1: 'row 2',column2: 2
    column1: 'row 3',column2: 3
var gridStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
    autoDestroy: true,autoLoad: false,fields: ['column1','column2'],data: fakeData

// Workaround #1: load grid store AFTER all required combo stores are loaded.
// remoteStore.on('load',() => gridStore.loadData(fakeData));

// Workaround #2: force the column to re-render all records after the store is loaded.
// Kludgy and also marks the records as dirty.
// remoteStore.on('load',() => {
//     gridStore.each((record) => {
//         var originalValue = record.get('column2');
//         record.set('column2',undefined);
//         record.set('column2',originalValue);
//     });
// });

// Render the grid.
new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({
    store: gridStore,cm: columnModel,autoExpandColumn: 'column2',renderTo: Ext.getBody(),width: 600,height: 300,title: 'Grid with remote combo',frame: true,listeners: {
        render: function (grid) {
            if (remoteStore.lastOptions === null) {
                remoteStore.on('load',function (store) {
                    single: true

附言 我已经修复了渲染器。 P.P.S.小心 findExact 的字符串和整数值。AFAIK 它是类型敏感的方法。