带遮罩的 LinearGradient 不会填满整个区域


我正在创建一个折线图视图,灵感来自 this blog post

线条是用 Path 绘制的,渐变是用 LinearGradient 和蒙版绘制的,它们相互叠加。

我的主要问题是,正如您在屏幕截图中看到的,所有渐变的开始都有一个斜率,如果该值为零,它们似乎过早关闭(末端似乎也过早削减,但这不是我的主要问题)。如果值 > 0(如橙色),则开始似乎也为时已晚。

swiftui line chart




我制作了一个可重现的示例,粘贴这是一个 ContentView:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var values: [Double] = [0,1,2,6,4,0]
    @State var totalMaxnum: Double = 6
    var body: some View {
        GeometryReader { proxy in
            ScrollView {
                vstack {
                    // some other view
                    vstack {
                        vstack {
                            RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5)
                                    ZStack {
                                        drawValuesLine(values: values,color: .blue)
                                    ZStack {
                                        drawValuesGradient(values: values,start: .orange,end: .red)
                                .frame(width: proxy.size.width - 40,height: proxy.size.height / 4)
                            // some other view
                        // some other view
    func drawValuesLine(values: [Double],color: Color) -> some View {
        GeometryReader { geo in
            Path { p in
                let scale = (geo.size.height - 40) / CGFloat(totalMaxnum)
                var index: CGFloat = 0
                let y1: CGFloat = geo.size.height - 10 - (CGFloat(values[0]) * scale)
                let y = y1.isNaN ? 0 : y1
                p.move(to: CGPoint(x: 8,y: y))
                for _ in values {
                    if index != 0 {
                        let x1: CGFloat = 8 + ((geo.size.width - 16) / CGFloat(values.count)) * index
                        let x = x1.isNaN ? 0 : x1
                        let yy: CGFloat = geo.size.height - 10 - (CGFloat(values[Int(index)]) * scale)
                        let y = yy.isNaN ? 0 : yy
                        p.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: x,y: y))
                    index += 1
            .stroke(style: strokeStyle(linewidth: 3,lineCap: .round,lineJoin: .round,miterLimit: 80,dash: [],dashPhase: 0))
    func drawValuesGradient(values: [Double],start: Color,end: Color) -> some View {
        LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [start,end]),startPoint: .top,endPoint: .bottom)
                GeometryReader { geo in
                    Path { p in
                        let scale = (geo.size.height - 40) / CGFloat(totalMaxnum)
                        var index: CGFloat = 0
                        // Move to the starting point
                        let y1: CGFloat = geo.size.height - (CGFloat(values[Int(index)]) * scale)
                        let y = y1.isNaN ? 0 : y1
                        p.move(to: CGPoint(x: 8,y: y))
                        // Draw the lines
                        for _ in values {
                            if index != 0 {
                                let x1: CGFloat = 8 + ((geo.size.width - 16) / CGFloat(values.count)) * index
                                let x = x1.isNaN ? 0 : x1
                                let yy: CGFloat = geo.size.height - 10 - (CGFloat(values[Int(index)]) * scale)
                                let y = yy.isNaN ? 0 : yy
                                p.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: x,y: y))
                            index += 1
                        // Close the subpath
                        let x1: CGFloat = 8 + ((geo.size.width - 16) / CGFloat(values.count)) * (index - 1)
                        let x = x1.isNaN ? 0 : x1
                        p.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: x,y: geo.size.height))
                        p.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 8,y: geo.size.height))


enter image description here



let y1: CGFloat = geo.size.height - (CGFloat(values[Int(index)]) * scale)

y1 成为整个图的高度。

Starting point of gradient,whose y is the graph's height,circled

你需要减去 10,因为这就是你一直在为你的蓝线和所有渐变的其他点做的事情。

                              /// subtract 10
let y1: CGFloat = geo.size.height - 10 - (CGFloat(values[Int(index)]) * scale)

Starting point of gradient,whose y is the graph's height minus 10 (exactly the place where the blue line starts),circled